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Mazda Engine General \  Any help there is a plug in a tube and i want to know why???

Any help there is a plug in a tube and i want to know why???

Mazda Engine General Mazda Engine Mazda Tech
views 1964
replies 17
following 8
mazdagurl   +1y
ok so i moved to yakima and when i got there my water pump somehow was leaking tons of water so i replaced it we during this process i found a plug in one of the hoses going to the air cleaner housing it is the farthest one to the left now my question is why would someone put a plug in it? it is not supposed to be there im sure can anyone help explain this to me i dont want to take it out and have something go wrong LOL water pumps are a pain in the ass to fix
gotta take the whole front of the engine out

thanks guys sarah
Post was last edited on Oct 26, 2007 03:10. This post has been edited 1 times.
gravity5   +1y
There should not be a plug in the heater hose... thats just weird. But it is probably their from some hillbilly backyard fix.... so I would take it out, but be prepared for more problems down the road.
mazdagurl   +1y
it is not the heater hose not sure what tube it is but there are three and it is the farthest to the left it goes from the exhaust to the air cleaner
1lob2k   +1y
still, it should not have a plug in it. I would take it out, run it, and if anything with the idle happens replace it. still yet, there should not be anything happen
1dayiwill   +1y
egr line. i wouldnt unplug it because you dont know what other lines might be plugged. want more info? look here
interesting subject
mazdagurl   +1y
thank but i am still confused why is there are plug in it? does it affect how it runs? what do those tubes do i am not an engine person so damn i just want to pull all of this shit off and put a header and weber carb on it but cant yet so any
one tell me why the hell there is a plug in it??
1dayiwill   +1y
its blocking the exhaust gas from going into the intake. egr is a system where 5-15% of the exhasut gas is rerouted into the intake. whoever plugged it didnt want the egr to work.
1dayiwill   +1y
its alright if its plugged
mazdagurl   +1y
what happens if i unplug it? just curious
mazdagurl   +1y
does this mean my egr system does not work right anymore i dont have to take emissions but the guy i bought the truck from he took it through emissions with the plug in it