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Mazda Engine General \  smoking.


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carolinasled   +1y
Guys, I have been off today and have been doing searches for acouple of hours. Anyways i read different things. Here is my symptons.

93 b22 with auto:

When i got the truck the auto trans was completely dry, so I filled her up and the trans seems fine. my first question is.

The trans is not leaking no where, so thats a good sign ,but why was the trans dry when i got her?

The oil is low, I'm gonna fill her up tommorrow night(not a daily). The truck does not leak oil, so I justify that it's either bad rings or valve stem seals.

But the real question is.....Would the vacuum line from the trans pull the coolent up into the motor and burn it also with the oil? I just cant understand if there isnt a leak why the trans was dry.

the smoke that is exciting the pipe is a blu-ish white tint and smells like maybe coolant? smells like something i havent really smelled b4.

Any idea's
carolinasled   +1y
Last night before i hit the sack, I also checked the radiator and the radiator reservoir. The radiator was full but the reservoir was dry.

hocbj23   +1y
If the smoke is blue tinged it is probably oil smoke.Antifreeze leaking past a blown head gasket is white and has a sweet smell.There are two coolant lines that run from ur automatic tranny up and thru the radiator.If one of those lines happens to have a hole in it it could get into your radiator and then into the engine via a blown head gasket.If u inspect the rad fluid and see a geasy film on top of it that might indicate a leak.It is pretty obvious when u see it.BJ
carolinasled   +1y
hocbj23, not tryin to be a prick, There is a off the wall smell. Since i have never been around motors. I really dont know how to identify the smells.

If you were to go threw it yourself for the first time. What steps would you check in order? I dont know the proper procedure to outrule what might be wrong.

Thanks Ryan.
nytrdr24   +1y
check the fluid in the radiator again....if the fluid looks contaminated (depending on origninal fluid color bright green or bright orange) with oil, chances are one of the two things that bj mentioned are your problems source....if the rad fluid is contaminated I'd check the tranny fluid next, if it is contaminated, that may be a problem, but if the tranny isn't slipping, i doubt that is is, most likely source if the coolant is contaminated is the head gasket, they have a tendency to leak inbetween the front coolant passage & #1 cylinder....I also wouldn't rule out the valve seals and or the piston rings as another source of your smoking issues.....I had all three (blown head gasket, cracked rings, and bad valve seals) on my engine before i pulled it to be rebuilt.
carolinasled   +1y
thanks, I will check those tonight. Do I need to add anti-freeze to the reservoir if the radiator is topped off? Would a compression tester be worth buying for this to test my self?

Thanks guys.
nytrdr24   +1y
not unless you really want to, it's just an overflow /catch can for when / if the truck overheats, it will catch the extra coolant coming from the radiator..

a compression test would be good, it will tell you if you have problems with the rings /seals, and also might show you if you have a bad head gasket if you see or hear air in the coolant...
hocbj23   +1y
Do what the man said plus one other check.I assume you put regular a/t fluid in your tranny and it should have been dark red in color.Start the truck,let it reach normal operating temp and check the A/T color.If it is still up to the full mark and still nice and red,ur probably ok tranny wise.If it is cloudy or milky looking and smells like burnt varnish u got major tranny issues and or coolant leaking back thru the rad via the lines into the tranny.Not a good sign.Re smells-normal exhaust smoke is CO ,and a little water vapor.It usually doesnt smell at all or if it does,maybe like some old oil smells.If it smells like ur grandmas kitchen at baking time-sweet,overpowering at times-that is antifreeze burning in ur cylinder head.Thats why animals will lick it up and often get sick and die-the sweet smell.That is ethyline glycol-and glycol gives it the sweet smell.BJ
carolinasled   +1y
Thanks Guys, I will check tonight and post back. thanks again for being patient with me.
hocbj23   +1y
Hey,no problem.That is what this site is real good at-helping each other out-except NYTRDR who is helpless-and hopeless.LOl.BJ