I wouldn't run an electric pump just yet, there's nothing inherently wrong with the mechanical fuel pump set up (that's what I have). (1) You could buy (auto parts store)or make a siphon pump and attach to the fuel line going TO your fuel pump, and pump it until fuel comes through. (2) You could take off the air cleaner and add small amounts of gas directly down the carb, then start it up, and the higher revs of the engine running can help it to pull fuel through better than just cranking it to start. You may need to do that several times to get it started. This can also occur if you ever run completely out of gas in your tank. Remember that gasoline is very flammable, be careful. If no gas comes out BEFORE the fuel pump with (1), then there sounds like a clog in the line from the tank. Oh, yes, take the fuel tank cap off for this; I doubt you have enough vacuum in there (becuase there is a vent) to prevent fuel from getting through, but that did happen to me in my old VW (a tee in the vent line got clogged with dirt).