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Mazda Engine General \  I need help!

I need help!

Mazda Engine General Mazda Engine Mazda Tech
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replies 15
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kickinwing   +1y
I have been having trouble getting my b2200 to start in the winter, I live in Nebraska and the truck is a pain to start. Even in 40+ degree weather it still has trouble starting. What happens is the engine will begin to turn over and if I give it even the slightest amount of gas it dies. It takes me like 30 to 45 minutes to get my truck started sometimes even longer. So if anyone has any ideas on what it is or how to fix it I would appreciate it. If not I guess that is what I get for buying a 400 dollar truck.
hex0rz   +1y
lol, ya, you get what you pay for and all..

Well, first off welcome to the bscene! WOoo! Your gonna like it here if you stick around!

I suggest starting with your choke. If not, replace your fuel filter. Only a few bucks and it will give you the piece of mind that it can longer be apart of the problem.

A couple more things that it COULD be is your accel. pump on the carb or the float is out of whack.
kickinwing   +1y
Well, originally when the friend I bought the truck from go the truck from his uncle, it didn't have a choke in it. So he tried installing one on his own, he says it didn't work and he just left all the parts in the truck. But after looking at it closer, it looks like he didn't install it correctly so I will definitely give that a shot. But he also told me he tried have the carb. adjusted but to no avail.
hocbj23   +1y
U have one wire lead that goes from the back of ur alternator to ur choke.Be sure it is hooked up.If not ur choke is getting no power and will not work even if there is one.If there is one and it is hooked up,take air cleaner off, get in the truck,depress accelerator down 1/2 way with switch on-DO NOT START TRUCK,get out and look down the carb throat.The butterfly on the choke should be closed.If not choke isnt working.Spray carb cleaner in carb throat and on butterfly plate where it pivots.Try the drill again.If butterfly still isnt closed,u have choke problems.Choke cannot be replaced seperate from carb,so start asking around on here if anyone has spare working carb.I had one but sent it to Zaccutt for his truck.Hope this helps.BJ
kickinwing   +1y
Alright, I will definitely check on that wire, I have also noticed if I pump the gas pedal a few times it turns over a little easier, and I do mean a little.
hocbj23   +1y
should not have to pump these trucks.with stock carb depress accel 1/2 way with switch on and choke should set and truck should start.if u r having to pump the truck ur choke isnt working or ur fuel pump isnt.BJ
hex0rz   +1y
I've got a stock carb layin in the garage. I dunno what is wrong with it, but I just know I could'nt make it up the hill for the life of me, lol.

It will make your truck run, but I can't guarantee it will work perfectly.

If it comes down to it, I can send it to ya...

Well, if after checking the choke, and REPLACING the fuel filter, I would check your fuel pump. I would doubt it is though, but might be.

To know if your fuel pump is any good, you first must locate it. It is on the passenger side of the engine in the back behind the intake manifald by the valve cover. IF you can get someone to crank the engine, get a flashlight and/or take your hand and feel the bottom of the pump while they're trying to start it. If gasoline is leaking from it, replace it! You could also check the ground after this to see if it is, but thats quit a bit of cranking before you would notice...

I myself, think you are having a choke problem at the most. But anything else, I would think its the accel. pump or float. Which is carb. related...

Although, as I continue to ramble on, lol, if you don't have a choke, it has to be the problem!

IF I remember correctly, try cranking the engine and as you are doing so hold the throttle down. You should be able to get it to start and rev high rpm.
dirtracer14   +1y
Somthing to look also is that the fuel is draining back out of the carb. I know my weber does but not sure if its the carb or the pump? Next time try to use a little gas in the carb and when it does fire kinda work the thottle a little bit till it sounds like it will idle alone. After reading what i wrote just have some one pump the throttle while you look in the carb and see if its getting fuel? Worth a try.
kickinwing   +1y
Well, I don't think it is the fuel pump because once I get the truck started I can drive it to hell and back. I just think it is the choke like others have stated so I will check that out. I have also decided to turn this truck into a project, but I don't think the frame will hold because of rust, does anyone know where you can pick up a frame for an 87 2200.
hex0rz   +1y
Draining back outta the carb?!


Not to say your wrong and all, but, what? I've never heard of such a thing!

There could only be 2 explanations for that. I doubt that 1 is probable.

1. The float was low enough when you turned the engine off that the power valve was open when this happened and the vacuum in the tank pulls the fuel back in? I don't see how this could work either because the pump would have to be in just the right spot for it to be open as well. I would say highly improbable!

2. It did'nt drain back, the float is exposed at the top and the gasoline evaporated enough to cause a dry start.

Ya, you could use carb starting fluid or gas, but that is'nt going to fix his problem. I agree it could show him that if it does run afterwards, its his choke.

He did say it runs, but I dunno if that just means its a rough idle or what but when he tries to push the throttle, it dies. Which really is sgnature for choke.