Just curious,as I'm trying to figure out the best way to static drop my truck.
I've decided to go with drop spindles for the front,and I was going to do 3" blocks,but then while surfing for parts I found Belltech lowering leafs that will give me a 3 or 4" drop.
Now this is where I start to wonder. Blocks are easy to install,but even with blocks,I'll probably still want to remove a leaf from my stock leaf pack. All my bushings and stuff are worn out,so I may as well replace them while the leafs are removed from the truck. This is where the leaf kit makes sense. It comes with new bushings and all the hardware I need,and it'll give me brand new leafs and a drop all at the same time.
Yes,they cost more than blocks,but they're $109 US each,so I'm looking a little over $200. I don't mind,I'd rather do it right than hack it up.
Anything I should know about them,or if anyone else here runs them? Input appreciated.