I think it can be done, i've experimented a little but sold the 2 bags I was experimenting with. My experiments were testing the integrity of the bags when one end was allowed to pivot. I wanted to see if the bag was capable of supporting itself or if it had to be secured to non-moving brackets. There is a fair amount of room to play with, most of the interference issues come from the upper arm. If you accept the lower bag mounts as "thats just how it is", then you are going to have problems depending on how you use your truck, and what height you run it at. If the bag folds back on itself and pinches, thats bad, and of course if it rubs metal thats bad as well.
As far as the bellcrank idea.....hmmm thats got me thinking! I never considered that, I had made a cradle for the bottom bag mount to pivot in to see if the bag would bulge out like mentioned above. It stayed square during my test, I could only go to 160 psi. I never got to adapt the idea to the truck to test it there. If enough interest was generated I would probably be willing to go further with it. I had to put off my baggin plans last fall when I was laid off from work, but I want to try it again in the near future.