yeah i suppose driving up on ramps wont be to bad either. i'm getting old though, and i like to look and reach down when working on vehicles as much as i can. i had the box off for other reasons too. i suppose it would be over kill to pull the box just to do shocks... lol
i guess i wouldnt be too tricky to run the 'fill point/valve' for the shocks somewhere really convenient. i dont remember how much line they give you, but i think it might be enough to hit the edge of the cab. i just have mine ziptied to an old exhaust hanger near the drivers wheelwell... depending what tires you have and hoe much wheelwell they take up, you could reach in there and fill fairly easily, i still end up reaching under though.
if you are talking about running a small compressor so you can fill it up on the fly, well that would be cool, but now you're making the simple system a lil more complicated. adding switches, wiring, a small tank maybe...