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Isuzu Projects \  Project Overkill (UPDATED 4-5-07)((UPPERS INCLUDED))

Project Overkill (UPDATED 4-5-07)((UPPERS INCLUDED))

Isuzu Projects
views 26062
replies 100
following 19
dragn92nznsi   +1y
ah dude your band is awesome...

the front... and hopefully even the back should be done this weekend, all the stuff came in yesterday!! after 3 weeks of waiting...
isuzueh   +1y
thanks man.....can't wait to see your truck all finished up !!
/// xception   +1y
Has this site turned into a band site or an Isuzu sight LOL.
dragn92nznsi   +1y
thats what i get for putting my version of the DW logo on my canti... i bet ill have lots of conversations about it at shows with random people...

got the other canti arm built yesterday by the way haha
dragn92nznsi   +1y
thread post photo

driver's side mocked up
mightymini   +1y
holy canti batman
dragn92nznsi   +1y
thread post photo

also, the rear end is gonna be up higher than that (we bagged it to touch frame, even though it wont to lay out... so the rear should be up higher). the canti is positioned at the 0 psi position
low_pup   +1y
wow negitive camber. lets see the arms. and whats the camber lookin like all up.
dragn92nznsi   +1y
you'll know when I do, we made one side so far but we have to have the cab back in to know where to mount the tabs (for camber)... itll lay with less, thats just where it is without the arm connected to anything

right now we're trying to finish up the rear suspension (wont take long not) so we can bring the cab back in and get the front finished... we're so close to having this thing rolling
jdm customs   +1y
i thought for sure josh took a pic of the upper we have welded up. i also need to make a jig to build some direct bolt on replacement uppers. we used 1 inch solid stock drilled and tapped the one end to make it adjustable and had 1/4 thick balljoint mounts cut on the waterjet. JOSH! did you not take a pic of the upper? peeps are diein up in here!