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Isuzu Projects \  project oldschool

project oldschool

Isuzu Projects
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farmer joe   +1y
well i have the cam lined up now.

im buying a cam, AND an adjustable cam gear from a guy on

the cam will spec out at 297*int/exh, and .470in lift with a 110LSA.

its gonna cost me about $130US, but for what im getting, i think it worth it!

now, i need to start worrying about how im gonna feed this monster! i dont think a motorcraft 32/36 weber wannabe is gonna cut it for the cam. guess i need to start lookin for a 4 barrel intake or somethin like that. either that, or find a 38/38 weber, and i dont think thats gonne be happenin. 8O

heres a pic of the cam gear too...

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i get paid on the 2nd, and the 5th, and get my tax returns soon, so this is going to happen! im jacked!
blackls1   +1y
Cool project. I can't wait to see more
/// xception   +1y
I love those Pups. My friend had one when I first got into the scene. That think was as low as you could get them in 94-95. Clean and simple...good luck with your pup.
farmer joe   +1y
ive got an update.

i got some new parts for the truck since the last update.

i picked up a new rearend with new brakes in it for 45 bux. its got 4.56 gears. they should work well with my engine and tranny combo.

i also picked up another parts g180 engine. im gonna use the head off this engine for my good engine.

i have tomorrow off, so im gonna start pullin the engine, and maybe swap the rearends.

heres some pics of the parts...

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if all goes kinda how i want it, i should have the block, crank, rods, pistons, head, flywheel, and a few other parts at the machine shop by next week.

ill get pics tomorrow.
farmer joe   +1y
i pulled the screwed rearend out of the pup today. when i say screwed, i mean SCREWED!!

when i was takin it out of the truck i could hear stuff jingling around in the case.

one thing that i will say...

the axles in these things are freakin beef! i dont see the axles being the weak point in these rearends.

anyways, i have some pictures of the mess i pulled out.

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yeah, thats a broken spider gear, and carrier pin... 8O

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check out that pinion gear
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look at the holes for the carrier pin. theyre all wallowed out.
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then the axles. theyre pretty damn beef!
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SOOO, the verdict on this rearend is...

i COULD used it again it i had a few parts. if i put spiders back in it, and a carrier pin, and welded it all back up, id have a locked 4.10 geared rearend.

so, i might just have a spare rearend for the trucks. LMAO.
farmer joe   +1y
i got the new rearend in the truck tonite. its all nice and clean, and the rest of the truck is all greasy. lol

heres some new pics...

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new u-bolts
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isuzueh   +1y
how much is it lowered in the rear?
/// xception   +1y
That looks like a 4" lowering block and maybe some leafs just guessing here LOL.
farmer joe   +1y
its lowered 3 inches in the back. and all the stock leafs are still in it. i dont like removing leafs. makes the ride seem all squishy.

i made those dropblocks back in high school with some 2x3x1/4in square tubing. i drilled a hole in the bottom, and put a cut bolt shank on the top for the alignment deals.

i do have some new parts now though.

i got some slapper bars and a set of shock for the front. my buddy is putting coil over suspension in the front and back of his v8 luv, so he doesnt need shocks anymore.

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im not sure if ill have to modify the lakewoods to work on the truck with it being so low. but if i have to, i have to. no big deal.
farmer joe   +1y
got the engine out. seems it gets easier every time.

only took like 2 hours to do, but i was screwin around about 75% of the time.

anyways, all went well. no broken parts on the truck or the people pullin the motor.

i did take some of the engine apart.

its got slightly domed pistons in it. they also have "A"s and "B"s stamped into the tops of them.

the cylinders look abosolutly fabulous too!! on some of the cylinders you can still see some crosshatching.

i only took the head off, so i dont know about the rest of the engine. i have to get bolts for the engine stand tomorrow, and then i can tear it the rest of the way down.

things are lookin good for this engine!!

heres the pics...

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the exhaust i had on the pup. it did sound pretty good! lol
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see the dome
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the head looks good too. im gonna see how much itll cost to put g200 valves in the g180 head.
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im gonna go to the machine shop tomorrow during my lunch and see how much this all is going to cost me.

ill get more pictures of the inside of the engine tomorrow.