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Isuzu Projects \  project oldschool

project oldschool

Isuzu Projects
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isuzueh   +1y
oldskewlkool   +1y
got damn you should us casterol motor oil to protect aginst engine sludge!!!!! lol im glad your pullin out your minitruckin roots and tearin into that shit dog keep up the good work!!!!!!!! cant waht for it to lay man L8R
/// xception   +1y
Looks like you are off to a great start. I remember the day I pulled my factory motor and had the 383 sitting on the engine stand. I couldnt stand it.
isuzueh   +1y
hahaha nice pun
/// xception   +1y
Didnt mean to make a pun. Good luck with the truck man.
farmer joe   +1y
the motors apart now.

everything checks out good.

there was some scoring on the rod bearings, but the way the oil had some metal in it, im not surprised. the mains looks great though!!

the cylinders also look great. you can still see stock crosshatching in some of them.

the pistons are good too. one had a tiny bit of scoring on one skirt, but it isnt anything to worry about.

the crank looks okay. the mains are good, but the rod journals are gonna need polished.

no horrible damage was found in the motor. its gonna need a new timing chain and guides, but thats a given on something like this.

anyways, here some pictures...

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see the crosshatching...
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yup, it must be a g200...
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i also have some other news. i picked up a pacesetter header for the truck today. $50. its a fairly new header too. its got the 3/8in laser cut flange, 1 1/2in primaries with a 2 1/2in collector. ill get a picture of it tomorrow after work.

since i have the motor apart now, i got a deal on the main part of the machine work, so i need to get all the stuff to the guys shop to get it done.

i cant wait to get this thing back on the road.
farmer joe   +1y
well i have some good news, and some bad news.

the good news is, im moving again. it kinda sucks, but my roomates and i are hopefully getting in a better house than what were in now.

the bad news is, getting the new house is gonna take alot of money. so the pup is going to be sitting for a while.

as much as id like to get this thing back on the road, id rather have a better house to live in. and one of the better things about the other house is the 2 car garage! so it isnt all bad. its just gonna take some more time for the pup to get done.

ive also been thinkin about what direction the pup is goin. the deal with the machine shop wasnt going to be for very long, and since im gonna be strapped on money for the next couple months, im prolly not gonna big with the engine (ie: big cam, a ton of compression big carb.)

i think im just gonna clean the thing up myself, and rebuild it myself at home.

im also thinkin that i wanna just bag the pup. i was plannin on baggin the luv, but they arent very easy to bag, and i dont wanna cut it up.

ive got a million things running through my head right now, but im slowly getting it figured out.
blackls1   +1y
I can understand the house deal man. Good luck on the project.
farmer joe   +1y

i have come to a conclusion on whats going to happen with the pup.

its not going to be a high compression, cammed up nightmare like i planned.

the motor is still being rebuilt, but not like id planned on. im going to clean the block, hone the cylinders, clean up the deck, emory cloth the crank, and put it back together. im going to use the g200 head that came off of it again also.

then im going to run the stock intake with a weber, and ill use the header that i picked up. thats about the extremest im gonna go on the engine.

since im doin it this way, i can just start cleanin everything back up right now. i know this isnt what is considered 'right', but its really all i can do now.

ive also decided on another thing. some of you might know what im gonna do just by seeing this pic...

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yes, that is a york 210 air compressor. and yes, the pup is going to get bagged.

now the bags wont be until we get in the next house, but the truck will be up and running hopefully by this time next month.
farmer joe   +1y
mkay. i made some progress tonite.

the block, head, and timing cover have been degreased. the block is ready for paint almost. i need to get the gaskets from the timing cover off the block still. then it going to be painted a dark grey or somethin.

the head still needs a little SOS work done to it, but its done for the most part.

the timing cover need an SOS job real bad, but my buddy is gonna work on that while i polish the crank journals.

the block is also ready for the crank to be put back in. i need to hone it and rinse it off one last time, but thats it. im gonna set the crank in the block and go over the rod journals with some emory cloth. the crank isnt bad at all, so this will be fine.

the pistons are probably going to have to wait to go in till next week. im running low on money right now, and dont get paid till monday. that and i need to by a torque wrench, ring compressor, and find my feeler guage again.

so, things are still going okay.

ill get some pictures tomorrow.