i have done a couple extended cab streetrods and it is tricky
as for a 4 door mazda i dont think it would be all that difficult the hardest part woul be figuring out how you wanted the doors i.e normal opening front/suicide rear(easiest) or both suicide(the hardest by far) or both normal opening(doable but tough)
here is how i would do it
use an extra cab front half cut about 1 1/2 inch behind the door retaining the latch system and b pillar
and a standard cab cut right in front of the doors retaining the hinges
figure out length of the rear door using the standard cab)i think removing about 10-12 inches would be right (ya want it to look like a 4 door)gut the rear doors cut them down i would take the 10-12 inches out of the middle to front of the door you will have to cut the cab to fit also but do not cut the roof yet just cut the a pillars off and straight across the floorpan(leave the floor pan in for now it will keep some structure in the cab)
now you will have to measure real good here to cut the front of the standard cab to match up to the ext cab roof (dont worry about the roof skin just the window areas and the drip rails this is the make or break time)
if it all lines up and the drip rail line looks good and the windows are straight and square looking weld it up
once you have the basic lines of everything looking the way you want then start fabbing metal to fill
you will need to square off the rear doors window of course then go to a wrecking yrad with a measurement of the total length of the mazda roof and have them cut a roof skin off something close to the right contours
cut the old roof out of the mazdas and weld in the new one...i would have solid windows on the rear doors not roll up or down just for ease
do the body work and blammo
i simplified this a ton just for the sake of giving people an idea of how to do something like this
i have grafted and replaced roofs on diff cars alot it is the easy part most older cars (pre-1935 )had no roofs so we would use roof skins off station wagons or trucks or just about anything we could find
you would also need to build a frame for this.
i personally would do this continental style stock opening front doors suicide rears be easier
i know i left out alot of stuff
but if you need total step by step on how to do this you prob. shoulndt even try it.
not trying to be a jerk just honest