i agree, but fancy or not, wire is wire, i have been in the audio industry for almost 10 years now, and wether it comes from wal mart, or stinger or anyone for that matter, it is the same, i dont care what anyone says, now rca cables are a different story but power wire doenst make a difference, most wal marts sella 4 gauge kit with rca cables power ground remote fuse etc for about $20 as far as the sub situation goes you definatley need an amp i would recomend the kicker L7 8" sub, sealed box only needs 1 cubic foot and it will pound i have one in my blazer and you would swear it was two twelves, you can find them for around 100-150 at most kicker retailers, or search ebay i got both of mine for $50 each on there, hope that helps you a little bit