The head unit is usually secured using the "cage" (also called a sleeve sometimes), the metal cage around the head unit slides off, mount it by itself in the opening first and while holding it in place, pry the tabs that are closest to the panel outwards until all 4 sides are secure. Then pull your wires/ant/rca's/etc. through and plug in the unit and do a quick sound check to make sure everything works. If it's all good, slide head unit into hole (don't go there pervert LOL) until you hear/feel it click. It should fit good and snug but not tight. Too tight and it can be a pain for you to remove if you ever should have to. Also anyone hell bent on stealing it will rip the dash apart anyways. Sorry for the lesson, but as an installer I've seen plenty of people do it wrong then get so fed up they take it to a shop to fix it.