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Mazda Audio \  Painting Interior Trim

Painting Interior Trim

Mazda Audio Mazda Tech
views 2370
replies 15
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1hotdawg   +1y
So I was gonna paint my interior trim, (air vent, air controls area and speedo surround), red. I first tried cleaning with just soap, (dish soap) and water. Then I tested a few small pieces. No luck, just lots of fish eyes. So I know the can, (Krylon Fusion), said to use an ammonia based cleaner for "weathered, non-new" pieces. Did that, (windex), tried the paint again and got the same results. So, the can say use alcohol, so I went and bought some rubbing alcohol and a bottle of pure ammonia. Tried the alcohol...same results...tried an ammonia and water mix, (heavy on the ammonia), and still got the same results.

Went to Auto Zone today and bought some "Paint Prep" stuff and some 1000 grit sand paper. Brought it home, cleaned with the prep stuff then sanded the big center piece. Still same freakin results.

All I ever got to look even half decent is the lil heat vent to the left of the sterring wheel, and even it's got some small places bad. So in my pissed off rampage I just started emptying the can on the big center piece and needless to say it's a nice mix of red with lots of black polk-a-dots now...wasted without me resanding it off.

I had just cleaned the interior of the vehicle last weekend with armor all, so I'm sure that added some difficulty in getting it clean enough to paint, but dang I've tried every freakin thing cept for maybe letting it soak in the paint prep, (or something), over night. So you peeps got any suggestions, cuz I'm spent?

I'm now considering the more expensive route of just having it covered in some tweed, or some upholstery...but I'll then still need to get the paint somewhat stripped.


I'm going with red, on my white truck, cuz I don't like the look of the interior being painted white, and I like the red/black/gray combo.

Don't wanna have to goto the yard and get more interior stuff either if I don't have to, I need to get this thing back together so I can see my speedo at night

Thanks guys/gals!

(once this is done I hope to start on my center console, fully custom, and then some door panels)
johnh2os   +1y
Did you try grease and wax remover(or Bug and Tar remover)? I have had some luck using wax remover on interiors.

1hotdawg   +1y
That's what the paint prep stuff is sposed to get rid of, grease, wax, bugs, tar, etc. I'm thinking I'm going to let it soak over night in a bucket of that stuff with some water as well, see if that helps tomorrow.
f n lo   +1y
armour all is a BITCH to get off completly, id would say sand EVERYTHING with some higher grit then with your 1000 grit...did you use any kinda of a plastic adesive primer at all??that could be the problem, then again i did my whole interior in the krylon fusion shit white, and had no prolems....let me noe how it worx out....
1hotdawg   +1y
Yeah I was using the Fusion paint as well so I didn't use any primer at all, figuring the cans says "bonds to plastic"

I'm gonna soak the parts. If that don't work I'll prob end up sanding, or getting more from junkyard for about the price I'd pay for sand paper

phatkix   +1y
damn man, i used fusion and it worked minty

only one spot it fisheyed, but if you let it dry and then re- apply it evens out and almost looks better and more glossy
gregp   +1y
I'm in the process of doing mine now. I'm using duplicolor's metalcast paints. It gives the appreance of being anodized.
It's a 2 part process but that shouldn't really matter.
I took my center section all apart. I soaked everything in dish soap and hot water. I let it dry for a couple days. I then took some 200 grit sandpaper and sanded it down to take out any scratches or dings. I then took some steel wool first a medium and then "00" sanded it smooth. Wiped it down and sprayed the first coat. Went on great no fish eyes or anything. I'll post a pic when I'm done. It'll be smoke grey anodized and I'll add a few coats of clear to make it nice and deep.
pont   +1y
how cold is it were your working i know i tryed painting my sons pc once and it done the same thing. it was really cold, i then tried again not long ago and it was not as cold and went pretty good. i would watch the paint prep it might make the stuff soft try it the way GregP did then get some plastic primer thay sell it at NAPA its clear that helped alot with my sons plastic computer parts.
low87dawg   +1y
dude dont paint that shit itll look so junky especially the ac vents then when u decide to sell it no one will like that junk
id have the whole dash painted only but if u do decide to do it then u better san d
1hotdawg   +1y
Aight, first off I'm not painting the "ac vents" them selves, just the surrounds. The fins and crap will still be black, which will "pop" with the red surround.

I let the parts soak all night in the paint prep stuff and some alcohol. Well, since the black pieces were already painted they're not going to get any better. So I decided to hit the yard today to see what I could get replacements for...non armor all'd . Well I got all I needed plus a set of inside chrome door handles for $15...including a few pieces I didn't actually "need" like the buttons and stuff for the slider switches.

I also found a factory speedo with the factory tach! In great condition! Didn't go ahead and get it cuz I was "on the clock" at work , but dang if I'm not going to get back out there soon. I'll probably get it for $15-$20 as well.

They had 4 B's out there. Nothing too good, but if I need some spare fenders or something, they had it. One other thing of "interest" was a chrome rear step bumper in really good shape cept one side a lil bump "up" in it at the end. Too bad I'm wanting to remove my fact bumer and go with out one...just need those lil block off pieces

Anywho, I'm going to get these parts clean today...with just soap and water hopefully, do a light sand on them, and maybe get them sprayed tomorrow at work where I can do it in the warmth. I'll keep ya posted how it goes.

Thanks for all your help!