ok guys, i have an alpine type r 10 with a 800 (500 actual watts) amp and it gets kinda loud. well i was thinkin of 2 more 10s or 12s for behind the seats. what ones have you used that fit well, any size im open to everything.
heres why i am wanting more for sure now. my 10 is enough it just doesnt hit low nuff for me. also, on the way home from my girlfriends house i stop at a gas station and get a bottle of pop or some sort of tobacco or whatever. so anyways, i always have my system on and truck runnin while im in there i have it up pretty loud and i got out of my truck tonight and saw a cop flyin into the parkin lot so i turned around and took like 5 steps back and shut my truck off so i didnt cause any more trouble. i walked in and the cop walked in behind me so i went and was lookin for a cigar and i heard the guy i shoot the shit with every night sayin something like "yeah big boys with thatloud music are pretty scared of getting in trouble, they go turn it off when they see a cop, they dont like them" to the cop then just to further piss me off he said "yes sir i was just getting ready to tell him to turn it off but he saw you and got scared" then gave the cop a free pop. i thought man, thats some bull shit. so now, i need more. im needin something that will hit decent with 3-400 watts. i dont wana overdo my electrical again, if you can member i have been down that road once before and dont want it again. so heres what im needin
- any size sub
- loud off of a little
- small depth
thanks -bf