im a 19 KID in the albany eugene area of oregon. i have static dropped 1987 mazda b2600 and going to have another b2200 for motor would like to do bd on cab to the pinck folded flat like the rockers and bed and do some shaving would love to but don't have welder or the experince to do some of the stuff i wana do. i wana do some bag stuff i wana do 4 link bag on bars. would love it if sombody had some old air ride stuff that they have that is there old set up befor they up graded. i have a sawsall grinder diegrinde/cut off disks and pleny of room 6 car shop but no welder or "know-how" would love advice. im realy hands on if i can watch some one do it i genraly can do it. welding havent done in a while but im ok when it comes to welding just need the advise of how im doing and what i need to do to make it better let me know, and if any body has a shop in like eugene i could use a job. would like to be shop bitch clean up get tools to stuff you don't want to have to do, i would even were a certifided shop bitch shirt lol