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Northwest \  2nd annual washington hangout

2nd annual washington hangout

Northwest Events
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replies 25
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wirenut   +1y

i got word from crash with minitruck mayhem he is coming down to setup a booth, selling t shirts and stickers, plus takin photo's . So bring your sweet paint jobs and trick mod's and start our northwest show season off right.
chitobeach   +1y
I'll be there for what its worth...........LOL.......will have camera in hand and learn a few things maybe
tuckin20s   +1y
This sounds great! As of right now I have the day off so unless I get a crew change the wife and I should be up! Not sure which project to bring but one will be there. I need a bigger car trailer <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_exclaim.gif" alt=":!:" title="Exclamation" /><!-- s:!: --> Anyone got a 3 car car trailer that I can barrow?? Hope to see as many of you there as possible!
chitobeach   +1y
Ive got some work to do but do have the day off. Mine definitely wont be the prettiest or most radical but it should be fun to come hang out for the afternoon
wirenut   +1y
sorry i have not posted in a while , my computor un know how made me part of the unable to stay logged in thing. but its worked out now . cool im diffently getting a great response from all should be a great day, lots of people to meet and hangout and chat.
porkchop69   +1y
Is this in the town of Orting?
Ha ha that's hella funny
I spent my whole jr high days in orting middle school
I was a falcon football player lol dam I lived out past the grange right next to the cedar mill going towords lake kowpowsin ( spelling)
that would be a cool drive for me and the boys but I don't think we could make it
bagdb2200   +1y
Porkchop, it's in Sumner. Pretty damn close to Orting though.
porkchop69   +1y
We used score lots of bud in scum-ner lol
small world right down the hill from enumscratch that's where I went to high school
I will talk to the boys and see if we could make it sounds like a good time
paparoach1983   +1y
SORRY wont be able to make it my little sister is graduating high school
wirenut   +1y
week till bump