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Southeast \  Bscene takes one at scrapin into summer!!

Bscene takes one at scrapin into summer!!

Southeast Events
views 2611
replies 17
following 17
rufus   +1y
Nice work guys! That set-up is sweet! I can't wait to see the interior completed to highlight the extended cab setup in that truck.

Congrats to you both!
sosatheshark   +1y
congrats ,its a good feeling im sure ,keep the pics coming and anything interesting ,you should be proud you put alot of work into that truck ,and it looks great
sleepyspeed   +1y
Sweet! congrats on the award!

well here is the clip with yours in it. I found out my camera can't take the sound of frames dragging sound sucks.

idminitrucker (jason)   +1y
Congrats. and im guessing you might have been the ones that where wondering if my frame was the one that was there (one of my buddys was close and heard you talking) It was a good show lots more people then I was expecting, and from a ways away. I knew some of our utah chapter was coming up but I didnt know Magical was going to be there. not to jack the thread but heres about the only pics i took. I was too busy talking and just hanging out. im a slacker when it comes to pics i go to look and hang out not try take a bunch of pics as people are trying to look around.

getting all ready to head to the show.
thread post photo

and the only pic i took at the show
thread post photo
devb22   +1y
Great pics!!!

I hope all of you swing over for MazdaFest....

Especially you and your son dirt!!!
dirtracer14jr   +1y
nytrdr24   +1y
Kewl pics!
frocashmoney24   +1y
hell yea, some sweet mazdas!