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Canada \  woohoo!


Canada Events
views 15073
replies 59
following 20
impulse   +1y
im not a fan of shows in general myself either... but we're hosting one for a good cause... to give a donation to the canadian cancer society...

plus there isn't any outdoor shows in this city targeted towards the younger crowd... so we're stepping up to change that.

p.s we dont have $5 trophy's ... i think our laser cut billet trophies are gonna be pretty badass!

cheers buddy...

oh just incase you didn't know im iLLairgasm from streetsource.
gravity5   +1y
illairgasm eh.....I'll keep that in mind....

ANd when id this show of yours....?
impulse   +1y
June 25.... 3 more weeks.... check our site for all the info... its in my sig.
gravity5   +1y
huh if I paid more attention I guess I would seen that,,,,LOL
instig_b2200   +1y
Vancouver Area checking in...

Currently Turbo Charged FullyBuilt Engine... b2200 92

slammed91b5000   +1y

cool im from kelowna just 4 hrs away. theres a few BC ppl on here... you, me, gravity5(aaron), mazberrydelight(devan) if i left any one out sorry.. haha
let me know if there are anby car shows comming up i wanna go to some. i know there is the kms tools show and shine in coq but my truck wont be ready for that.
instig_b2200   +1y
Know anyone who want sa Sick engine setup?
slammed91b5000   +1y

no, and mines already sick enuf, for me.
team haymaker   +1y
hey im from ontario too, and it took almost a year to find a b-series site as good as this, ive owned s-10's and their sites are every where.... this place is awsome though.......
low4life   +1y
Hey another guy from Ontario.some of you guys might know my brothers red mazda.

sorry for the big pic.