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Southeast \  Bama-Tenn-Miss-Ga Meet?

Bama-Tenn-Miss-Ga Meet?

Southeast Events
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nytrdr24   +1y
In response to the suggestion of having a meet in same_me's project hustle thread, I figured I'd
start one in the right spot so we didn't jack his thread talking 'bout having a meet....

I guess the best thing for those wanting to attend a meet is finding out when and where would be a good time/location for everyone.

I know there are several of us local to the Athens, H'ville, Scottsboro, Ft Payne, C'nooga areas, and some Miss, and Ga peeps to, so if you'd like to attend a friendly meet & greet, post up your suggestions of when & where.....

so to start it off, I'd like to propose that it get a little warmer outside, no body likes being out in the cold..well I guess that's a true statement, sure as I put it out there, someone would want to have a polar bear jump in a freezing lake meet....I have the weekends off up until the end of April (for the next few weekends I'll be bowed up trying to get my truck back on the road), then I'll be tied up till the end of May on an outage at work...and after that I'll be off on weekends till end of August till mid-end of Sept for another outage...and as same_me said in his thread, there are tons of great places to meet, once everyone throws their hat in, we can figure out what would be a central meeting point and a good date for everyone....
hocbj23   +1y
My weekends are pretty much mine so any Sat-Sun pm would be fine with me.if someone has a nav system and could find a spot that is centrally located so that no one would have to drive more than say 1-2 hours,that would be really cool.I am in chattanooga for starters.BJ
immortal1 (linn)   +1y
Might be a bit of a drive for me but I would like to join in on this one - depending on when it happens.
nytrdr24   +1y
^^It'll def need to be warmer, otherwise Linn would freeze to death in his vert trying to make it here to join us!
jmzcustomz (jeff)   +1y
I am totally down for it. I make my time...LOL

I am willing to throw out Birmingham, AL....don't know what if anything there is to do there but it appears a central spot with major highways througout.
nytrdr24   +1y
B'ham is alright, they have I was gonna say that the superbike races are in april, but they moved it this year to the first week in may which sux cause for the third year in a row I won't be able to attend it....Just north of b'ham close to cullman there is smith lake, there used to be a big memorial day car show there every year, but that has been eons ago....a place like that would be cool to meet up for an afternoon, get a pavilion and grill a burger or dawg, hang for a while, & ride out..don't know, it's not like we have to tie down a spot immediately just throwing out some ideas...
bodied b2600zx (josh)   +1y
I'd love to go
idropdit (brandon)   +1y
i'm down. i'm sure jeff would come as well. i'm off on sundays and mondays, so if we could do it sunday? i know most people are off then..
corky   +1y
hey im down to, and tyler might be all for it to, just keep me posted, might have to make it a anual thang
same_me   +1y
I'd really like to keep it more towards North Alabama if possible. I know that will make it harder on some of the more southern guys but will make it easier on some of the Tenn. bunch. There are plenty of places here in Athens to meet up and it's right here on Interstate 65 so it would make for easy finding. That's just my thoughts. Throwin it out there. Also there is a great car show here on April 25. There were something like 400 cars last year. You can go to the website at . There's plenty of places to eat on the square. Tons of prizes and all and all a great time last year. I didn't have my Mazda at the time but took my daily and the mini chopper I had at the time. I think this would be a great time to get together. Let me know what all of you think.