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Southeast \  DadandSonEyes 1989 MAZDA B2600i 4X4 Cab Plus continues HELP

DadandSonEyes 1989 MAZDA B2600i 4X4 Cab Plus continues HELP

Southeast Events
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dadandsoneyes   +1y
Thanks , Earl ---- not sure how to add more photo's without starting A NEW THREAD !!!!

OK, Here are some more pictures. We were able to get the front cover disconnected from the Block, but can only move it out about 1 1/2 inches and it stops. WE CAN NOT get the OIL PAN OFF. IF ANYONE HAS DONE THIS WITH A B2600i 4X4, Please tell me how you get the OIL PAN OFF without LIFTING THE ENGINE, DISCONNECTING THE TRANSMISSION AND STARTER, etc. We want to be able to get this timing chain and balance chain issue repaired without taking ENGINE OUT. WE CAN'T Get to ALL the Oil pan bolts. Is there a special tool/wrench that allows you to do that. Please see pictures.

If you DON'T HAVE A 4X4 TRUCK, Than you may not have had experience actually doing this. It is much harder than a 2 wheel drive. See pictures. HELP PLEASE if you know the easiest best way to do this. NO WE DON'T HAVE AN ENGINE LIFE. NO WE DON'T HAVE AN ENGINE Stand.

Thanks for any help.

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slamsonthedawgmaster   +1y
The oil pickup comes out of the pump and down the face of the pan to the middle sump.. without completely removing the pan its almost impossible.. either the engine has to come out .. you can do it on the hoist,don't need a stand, or you could pull the front end apart and do it that way.. the front pumpkin assm for the 4wd isn't too hard to pull down but you do have to remove the drive axles first.. its not fun at all.. do you have anyone that you could rent/borrow a hoist from? The pan has to come down almost 8inches to clear the pickup.. its no easy task in truck
dadandsoneyes   +1y

I have another questions for 4x4 experts that have done this.... Can I pull the ENGINE OUT , without having to first drop the transmission? It appears the design engineers have made engine REMOVAL IMPOSSIBLE Without FIRS Taking OUT the entire TRANSMISSION.
mzd4x4   +1y
have you tried to raise the engine by placing a jack under the transmission? wont give you much but every few inches helps
dadandsoneyes   +1y
No, we were afraid that would break the transmission bell housing or break something and end up costing us even MORE $$$$$$.
dadandsoneyes   +1y
whERE IS THE BEST place to position the jack on the transmission and how far should it be able to go up(we would first have to LOOSEN the MOTOR Mounts on the Engine, correct ? Any other brackets in the way or prevent transmission from moving up/down?
dadandsoneyes   +1y
We would use a block of wood directly against the transmission ....
slamsonthedawgmaster   +1y
Actually its wayyy easier to pull the engine than to mess with the tranny.. just unbolt the motor mounts, bell housing, unbolt the clutch slave for clearance *if stick* ..if auto make sure you pull the torque converter bolts..make sure the engine is disconnected from the truck and pull it out the top.. just toss a jack with a block of wood just behind the bellhousing and jack it up against the WILL NOT hurt the tranny.. the bellhousings are just short of bulletproof... the only bolts/nuts that might give you alittle problem are the two for the downpipe on the exhaust..they are locknuts.. so be careful.. I actually pull engines instead of trannys when doing clutches in the 4wd trucks because its faster/easier and less chance of breaking tranny crossmember bolts in the frame because they are usually rotted around here and also because they are blind in the frame..

Hope this helps a bit
slamsonthedawgmaster   +1y
Oh.. btw. If you pull the power steering pulley off you can unbolt the pump,drop it down and don't have to screw with the system
dadandsoneyes   +1y
Thanks !!!
I need to get a pully puller for the power steering pump... , and we have a SE-5 4X4 CAB PLUS with 5 Speed Manual Transmission. We are looking for a great price on a nice Engine Lift and Engine Stand...may get online or Harbor Freight. Need to know more about rebuild kits for Timing and Balance Chain, Gaskets, etc. Trying to find out what are the BEST longest lasting parts and Gaskets. I heard that the FEL PRO for HEAD Gaskets are the best, What about for Timing and Balance Chain kits: There are BECK/ARNLEY, MELLING, SEALED POWER, and CLOYES. Any of these brands we should stay away from ? Also, we want to upgrade the EXHAUST MANIFOLD TO HEADERS While we have engine out. SPEED DADDY has STAINLESS STEEL Manifold Headers ( pro's cons ? ? ) only $35.00 ! We also want to get a New computer and High Performance Chip, what are your thoughts around that? What should we know, brand names that are best, reliable, low maintenance. ?