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meesh   +1y
Yeah beer & food are always good, but so is welding my notch in, 4 link, and bag brackets, then wiring everything up.
Does he have room to do it in his garage? He was talking to me on myspace 2 months ago about getting some metal from his work cheaper too. IDK though maybe i'll jut end up buying a welder and doing it all myself, he had origionally planned to drive down to Lincoln and we were gonna do it at my house in a weekend and I was gonna buy him a hotel/food and whatnot but I don't have an outlet for his welder. & if I decide to take my truck to columbus I gotta find a truck and trailer to haul it up there. there's no rear end on my truck, just the framerails.
I recently drove to omaha and bought a '85 toyota rear axle and driveshaft so that will all have to be balance here too so I can atleast drive my truck this summer and maybe get it finished.
IDK how i'm ever gonna get this thing bagged.
fattirebicycles   +1y
Yeah, Travis has a good sized 2 car garage, I don't know what he's got going on in there right now, I haven't seen him in about a week at work because he had a procedure done for an injury he had at work. I have a 110v hobart 125 mig here at my house. with the right prep, it will weld good solid welds. I got mine used, I think they are $450 or so new, and a medium sized gas bottle costs $100.
baggedmazda   +1y
you need to get that thing bagged. call around and see if you can rent a welder get the steel. i can plasma out anything you need at travis's shop in gretna i am there everyy sat. working on mine. it's getting closer gota clean up all the hacked up shit on it gona be finished up with the motor this weekend then its on to the electrical thats hacked up,then the rear crossmember and 4-link, then she's ready for paint again. it will be out by spring with a big for sale sign on it so i can get a family car for are new kid.
meesh   +1y
hey baggedmazda, do you have any pics of your truck?
i'd like to see it
baggedmazda   +1y
i don't at the moment you may have seen it a long time ago it was the factory green/ teal on 17's then it got primered thats how it sits at the moment. i am thinking of 2 toning it the green and silver on the top half. i will snap some pics on sat thou i have been meaning to for a while .

btw if you havnt figured out this is baggedmazda from starcityracing

I uploaded a old pic of it to my myspace.
gimpy   +1y
Hi fellas I'd like to join the big red fun,I cruise the Cozad/Lexington area,been toolin on Mazdas for 3 or 4 yrs started with a88 B2200 reg cab,static dropped 3 in(used it to hual stuff)Bought a 90 cab plus Auto,air,ps dead 2200,found a 89 F2T tossed it in,hooked to a 5spd man. Used a MegaSquirt to run ign,injection,sparked with a Ford EDIS setup complete,static dropped it 3 in(will use it to hual stuff and butt)current mod a 4x4 box(bought this week)I'll try to get more pics posted when I get that all figured out.Gimpy
huskerdually   +1y
Anyone know of good pick your part yards in lincoln or omaha with some mazdas in them?
baggedmazda   +1y
u pull it on omaha always has mazdas and there cheap there
pimpz26   +1y
Yeah U-Pull It South always has a nice selection of Mazdas. Right next to that yard is U-Wrench It (not kidding here) they also have a couple Mazdas there. I got my plastic drop in bed liner there. If you want to go into the ghetto you can hit up U-Pull It North, sometimes there is the random Mazda there. A couple weeks back I went to the North yard and they didn't have shit, 1/4 of the yard was empty. Next to U-Pull It north is Lakeside Auto Salvage, it's an insurance pool for new cars, never been there so I can't say what they have for Mazdas.
baggedmazda   +1y
boss went to u pull it today and said there is a really clean red mazda there i need to check it out i need some random parts so i can sell this truck of mine