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Mazda Projects \  89 b2200 Project Truck *backhalf pg8*

89 b2200 Project Truck *backhalf pg8*

Mazda Projects
views 25246
replies 143
following 41
90b2200   +1y
im not sure if i will polish the tank or not.
im thinkin about puttin it under the bed.
but if i polish it i would have to put it on the bed floor. cuz that would be a waste of time to polish it and then hide it.

ill figure that out when i get that far.

Peace N|ck
91b2200(cody)   +1y
does todd wanna hook me up with a front bumper ?? ?

your closer to me than others so i asked
90b2200   +1y
i just finished up some more powder coating. heres some pix.

These are the Drop Spindles (the casting is rough on them thats why they dont look the greatest)
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Heres the pair of lower tubular arms.
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i bought the cab back inside to tip it on its back to finish the bottom from the body drop. ill post pix tomarrow.

Thats all for now.
Peace N|ck
toddluck   +1y
arms are tight
90b2200   +1y
heres some pix of the cab finnaly got around to takin pix of it. ive had the cab porion of the body drop done for a while was just lazy and didnt take any pix till today.... LMK what you think

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thats all for now. Peace N|ck
bodied b2600zx (josh)   +1y
Is that bodydrop to the rocker? Get pics of the mounts. . where it mounts to the frame. . Ive been lookin for pics of how to replate em. . thanks man. .

sosatheshark   +1y
looking good man
90b2200   +1y
new update 5-24-09

i havnt been workin on my truck for a while.
i had the metal for my back half for quite a while now. and i decided to work on it now.
this is as far i got so far.
got everything tacked together

then me and my uncle where workin on a part for his tractor. he was grindin a part he needed welded. and we went to the other shed to weld it. we were up there for 20 min. and all sudden i heard a loud bang...
came back to the shed where my truck and other machinery is and i could see smoke comin out of the slidding door. so we all took off runnin to the shed and seen the that work bench and the oxy acedline torch was on fire..... and there where cans of paint and pentrating oil blowing up. so he took off runnin to call the fire dept. they called 3 fire dpt's out. cuz the lady on 911 asked how big the shed was and he told her is a 90 by 210ft shed..... she never asked how big the fire was.... but anyways. the fire dpt got there and put the fire out with foam.... what a fuckin mess..... my truck was coverd. they dumpd all the work benches off. and they got foam every where and i havnt gotten a chance to clean it all up yet. i will prolly be goin out there tomarrow to do it. and i will take some pix.

heres some pix of my frame. it is narrowd 4 1/2 inches on each side. i dont have it welded to the frame yet yet. but i will after i clean up the mess from the fire. also i cut the fame off infront of the rear cab mount so i will need to make a new one. or modify the old one.

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91b2200(cody)   +1y
looks good man!!
90b2200   +1y
heres an update. got the frame fully welded. just need to square it up and weld it to the stock frame.

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let me know what you guys think.

Thanx N|ck