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Mazda Projects \  Just got my first mazda.Sold :(

Just got my first mazda.Sold :(

Mazda Projects
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elbine69   +1y
So whens the expected arrival time of all these fantastical parts?
slammedyota91   +1y
well SD called me this afternoon to confirm my order and address, and fbi called to do the same both of which said by the end of next week i should have it all at my door step!!!!!! thinking the truck will be done suspension wise by end of feb.
elbine69   +1y
Sweet. I think were all excited to see some progress.
toddluck   +1y
cool cool bro congrats on all the parts
slammedyota91   +1y

did you get em yet?
toddluck   +1y
nope havent seen them yet...did you get the tracking # yet??
slammedyota91   +1y
no cant find the reciepts, my dad cleaned his desk lol
slammedyota91   +1y
so im pissed! My interior panels couldnt have turned out better right?.... well all the gloss black was laid out on three panels i was doing for now, all dried and cured, so i decided to clear them, got my clear out and started spraying, well it looked awesome i couldnt have been happier with how well they came out/looked, they looked like a professional did them, lol they looked expensive, well i laid the first coat of clear, was gonna let them cure over night, cuz the weather it would take a while longer, anyway this morning i go to my garage to lay a coat of clear before i went to work, well guess what?!?! a piece of shi* cat came into my garage somehow and i guess doesnt like the smell of clear coat and pissed all over all three panels, it reaked of cat urine, screwed up each one of the panels, all of which has wrinkles now, im so pissed, now i have to re do them and find out where the damn cat came in at and fix that hole too!!! im so mad, on a happier note, i got my fbi t-shirt and both my dvds i ordered from fbi yesterday, soon i should have my bag equipment and in due time i wil begin to bag that bitc*
erics10   +1y
you and cats seem to have issues want to borrow my pellet gun lol
kirk   +1y
Damn. That freaking sucks total ass. Holy Crap.