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Mazda Projects \  Baggin The Truck! (Sub Boxes and Tail Lights)

Baggin The Truck! (Sub Boxes and Tail Lights)

Mazda Projects
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replies 447
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paparoach1983   +1y

<img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy" /> your right looks killer bro
v8mazda4ever   +1y
So Cid dropped off the component set yesterday and I must say danm the crossovers are huge they are 9 inches long 3 1/2 inches wide and 2 1/2 inches tall but they are all chrome and look sweet, now I just need a place to put them. hoping to have pics up tonight.
solow93 (ryan)   +1y
Looks good bro!
mrb2000   +1y
great job! i see u use staples... i saw it once done by a friend of mine at a local audio shop... he used his carpet/laminate glue instead of staples, i asked him why and he said that it was easier to adjust it if you dont have to take staples out... i've tried it a couple of times and it definatly works....
v8mazda4ever   +1y
okay did not get anything done today but here are pics of the crossover just remember there are 2 this big used the gauge just to give a size reference.
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91b2200(cody)   +1y
devb22   +1y
Forgot about this build...

Looking really good!
paparoach1983   +1y
those are huge man.
v8mazda4ever   +1y
So here is some more pics tell me what you think,
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and yes before anyone says anything there is another crossover that has to go on the other side.
cid (dale)   +1y

That looks killer bro!