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Mazda Projects \  my 83 b2000 project

my 83 b2000 project

Mazda Projects
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maztang (ryan)   +1y
started building the box tonight. just about done and this weekend i will fiberglass it. and i still have to pull the channel off the back wall to make it fit and then i can get it all hooked up. can't wait!

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maztang (ryan)   +1y
well i was hopeing to get my system installed but i am not done glassing the box and the bed kicked my ass all weekend. but here are some pics of it installed. i b.d. it 3" and had to put 3" spacers to bring it back up to match the bodyline. i hope to paint it this week and finish all the minor shit that i didn't get to this weekend. here you go, i will get some better pics later.

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maztang (ryan)   +1y
oh, and here is a kind of crappy video of it hoping in the rear on just compressed air (200 psi viair compressors). i thought that once i put the bed on it wouldn't come up as fast but it still does. haha.

slammedyota91   +1y
Damn sweet stuff man, Your truck is super cool!!! WHat valves are you running? sounds like 200psi is too much for em, when you lift the dump bleeds a lot of air, My GC extremes used to do that, My SMC's dont though, which is awesome, I hated after hitting one switch my compressors would trun on, I need another tank for mine and a relay for one of my comps it already went out so lame lol I neve even drive it!!, Either way though you truck is tits, and would love to see a video of it driving
maztang (ryan)   +1y
i am running 1/2" asco valves. this is my first bagged truck and i am learning a lot about it. i never knew why it sounded like that when i lifted it. but i kind of like it doing it because it scares the shit out of anyone close to it. haha. just sucks when as soon as i lift it the compressors kick on.

and thanks for the response. my boy david who use to get on here a lot has a few videos of me and dev, driving and dragging. i just need to get the videos from him. and in a couple weeks i will get a few videos at texas showdown. as soon as i get some video i will post them up.
thebeaumartin   +1y
looks good man glad to see the bed is back on
thebeaumartin   +1y
check out these pics i found

cool huh haha
maztang (ryan)   +1y
hahahaha!!! nice! i remember me and david having a little war with the pics. where did you find the one of him in the weenie outfit? and it is funny that he looks big in the pic with lifted suv behind him, but in all actuallity he can walk underneath it without ducking. hahaha.
maztang (ryan)   +1y
here is the war pic...hahaha

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devb22   +1y
Looking good buddy!

I miss Texas!

Dev <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:D -->