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Mazda Projects \  well over due update of my baged and bodied hoop-d page 4

well over due update of my baged and bodied hoop-d page 4

Mazda Projects
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roger26i   +1y
yep thank you tractor supply they are freakin awsome and bullet proof plus if sumthin breaks alls you got to do is go to any co-op or whatever an buy a new one for 20 bucks instead of waiting a week or 2 for new parts/// yep just the right size
Post was last edited on Aug 21, 2008 01:08. This post has been edited 1 times.
elbine69   +1y
Thats a pretty cool idea using those. Those things are beef for sure.
roger26i   +1y
yea ive used em on all my bagged trucks and my buddy russle uses em now i swear by them a hell of a lot bigger then a universal kit from sd or fbi the only thing is they get a little play in them after 5or6 months but that goes along with wiem joints in general
tunameltman   +1y
damn man I remember you rode the short bus to school, so I guess thats why you built a short truck huh? J/K you know I love your truck Roger but when did ya'll get the del slow back, haven't seen that car in ages
toddluck   +1y
it would look better if you gave me the
roger26i   +1y
yea.............nahh almost but no i gotta have it ive got a stock one tho
91b2200(cody)   +1y
that thing looks sweet
roger26i   +1y
well thank ya buddy i think imma take all the paint and bondo off of her and let it rust abit then clear it
roger26i   +1y
well soon to be some more updates my bud russle is almost done with the speaker boxes gotta take subs over to cut holes out get some pics of em later
slammedyota91   +1y
I really like your interior, But your notch looks iffy, Way skinnier than your actual frame, and your leader hose is going through the notch, But the truck looks tits, get it all one color, and itll be dope, I really like your interior so far though! how much was the rag top?