So here's the latest pics after I finally got it all one color last night. Flat black BUT, I found out that when they welded the shifter (they had it chopped down), they ran it too cold and the weld didn't penetrate enough. Shifter broke off about 3 inches from the floor! Now a deep well socket and extension are my shifter, LOL! On to the pics.
Yes I know my brake cable is hanging, it's on the to do list but it gets good lift!
Tuckin 15's lol, at least in the rear, need to cut the wheel wells out wear they hit.
UGLY purple tint is coming off next and being replaced with 2-1/2%
Poor poor poor cross member
Laying frame, I know it needs a body drop, but many things first.
Finally got the fuel cell where I need it for my blowthough.
My bud Joey swung by to show off his 510
Mmmm, side drafts are SO sexy!
So that's about it, except for some burn out vids!!@!!! Yes I was standing outside the truck to do it until the tire grabbed some traction! This was my second burnout and the first clouded the whole lot, so my tire was already hot. Even with the water it grabbed and shook. You can hear the tire banging the wheel well.
Click here to watch Zuzi-standing-burnout
Cant post a pic of the 5&Dime with out a little burnout action from him lol. He started putting it sideways until he switched gears and chirped second. This thing is scary FAST in the mountains.
Click here to watch 510-Burnout