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Mazda Projects \  PROJECT "MEAT HEAD" all in the family(2-8-09)

PROJECT "MEAT HEAD" all in the family(2-8-09)

Mazda Projects
views 33272
replies 369
following 51
91b2200(cody)   +1y
todd a new one if you want it ..
toddluck   +1y
thanks cody

well im just gonna stay with the z24 with a weber staic drop it and roll
87mazdaslammed1   +1y
truck is looking good man hopefully ill find me a bed and bubble hood soon man
crazymikey   +1y

that will be tits
racer x   +1y
Sweet mini collection you got goin on.I wish my wife would let me have that many.
layedoutb2k (chase)   +1y
i thought about something after i got off the phone with you. you might want to check the block for any cracking in the water or oil ports near the head. those z24 motors are real prone to head gasket failures and cracking. if that is an issue, you might want to look into getting a z22 motor for it. they dont seem to have those issues that the z24 has. they are found in earlier 720s and 200sx. plus with the z22 it is a real easy upgrade to swap an L series head on it and get a little more power.

btw truck looks great, im diggin the moons on it.
speed171king   +1y
todd whered u get that shell and how much are they
toddluck   +1y
thanks laydout

and the shell i got for 60 bucks of craigslist
toddluck   +1y
we two toned my old mazda yesterday hard to see in the pic the top we did flat black cause the clear coat was shot...looks much cleaner now

toddluck   +1y
started tearing down the nissan and found one problem so far the water pump gasked was toast.....motor is locked up tighter than a ill see what i see when the head is off