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Mazda Projects \  Immortal1 - Round 5

Immortal1 - Round 5

Mazda Projects
views 54699
replies 406
following 73
jmzcustomz (jeff)   +1y

Well bout time.. LOL Like I have any room to talk. Looks awsome. I like the fabric on the windshield pillars. So are you going to put in some back seats? Maybe flow a center console through the middle and 4 yes 4 not 2 captians chairs...with built in back massagers. Hey I have a sore back and when riding bitch in a badass truck why not be comfortable?
hex0rz   +1y

...just don't get busy with other thing like I did too, lol.
elbine69   +1y
Pretty sweet
cl (chris)   +1y
Brings back memory's looking good
immortal1 (linn)   +1y
Thanks for the comments guys. Still up in the air as far as back seats go. Kinda like the idea of no back seat which give me more room to showoff some of the planned suspension work and maybe give me a new spot for a custom sub box.

If I do go with back seats there will probably be a lot of wind for the back seat riders (Chris, any help here?).
cl (chris)   +1y
A lot of wind and bugs one of the main reasons i did keep the seats in the back.
idropdit (brandon)   +1y
wow, that thing is looking good.
big rick   +1y
It looks good. I like that you cut the upper door frame down to the mirror mount. I wish I had done that to mine. When I repaint it i probably will do that and mold the posts to some round tubing. Mine has the side windows still, in case I build the
Carson top I always wanted to do.
immortal1 (linn)   +1y
Carson top sounds like a sweet idea - although I think I already have a pretty full plate with what I have planned. As for the door frames, I just didn't see a reason to keep the A-piller part of the door frame if I wasn't running side windows. Thanks for the link to your build pics - every little bit helps.