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Mazda Projects \  1991 mazda b302 UPDATE 4/11 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!bags

1991 mazda b302 UPDATE 4/11 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!bags

Mazda Projects
views 17411
replies 160
following 40
solow93 (ryan)   +1y
Hey man trucks lookin good, I'm doing the same engine swap. did you use the stock 302 mounts?
paparoach1983   +1y

not sure what mounts they are but here is a pic the preveous owner did the swap i am just going threw and redoing all of it haha

diferentone   +1y
maybe i missed it but what radiator are you using now. i will be doing my swap in a couple of weeks and i want to buy a radiator that will allow me to keep the stock hood latch. truck is looking good by the way. loving the bad cap
1hotdawg   +1y
He didn't still have the car, so I couldn't get the driveshaft. I also need a starter. You going carb with yours or EFI? I'd like to keep EFI, but I'd need 02 sensors, a FI fuel pump, and a ECU, and then sort out what wires I don't need. To go carb, I need intake, carb, distributor, electric fp, and throttle valve kickdown for the auto tranny. Not 100% sure which I'm going to go yet. Trying to figure out which way's going to be less expensive, deliver more, and easier install.

What is that rad from? It is quite large lol. You got any pics of the cross member under the engine?
paparoach1983   +1y

I am using a stock 5.0l rad. if you want to keep the hood latch recore your rad to a 3 row and run an elec fan that way you can recessit into your support and keep everything there
paparoach1983   +1y

Stock rad and stock mazda crossmemeber.
paparoach1983   +1y
Well got the pressure line flared and will be cutting the fan assembly to fit this weekend and i will driving her again. finally after 1.6 years. haha now i can start testing freeway and road conditions will also be putting the torsions bars back in this weekend. just giving you an update.
diferentone   +1y

great thanx. im actually thinking of using an electric fan and putting it inside the core support and keeping the new radiator in the stock location.just looking for a cheaper radiator swap that will work for me. plus i am making my own engine mounts and pushing the engine back a couple of inches so i will have a little more room to work with. i will be body dropping mine and i really want to keep my stock hood so thats why im pushing the engine back
paparoach1983   +1y
well gots a new alternator and voltage regulator that will be installed tonight. I have to reflush the radiator and i should be good to go for a bit. still need to put torsions back in and readjust my exhaust
brokentoyz   +1y
well i know what the truck looks like now, nice job shes cummin along nicely