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Project: Old 1LOMAZ

Mazda Projects
views 37854
replies 367
following 59
toddluck   +1y
more pics man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
91b2200(cody)   +1y
will this be done this summer ?
we should chill sometime in summer am always in dallas area
scrpnmazda   +1y
No it will not be done this summer. Next summer the truck will be finished. Yeah man we should hang out sometime. We are not too far from eachother. I will get more pics up as soon as i get more done. Been workin a ton and havent had time to touch it.
toddluck   +1y
cool cool man
badchicn (rick)   +1y
I have always loved your truck. I noticed that it has an auto trans. Did you ever have a problem with the trans leaking after you lowered it/ bagged it? I vaguely remember someone telling me that the drive shaft would take out the rear seal on the autotrans and that the fix was to shorten the drive shaft approx 1". Can you verify that this is true? I have been through two rear trans seals and I am beginning to think this is the problem. My stick shift truck never had a problem. BTW are you going to keep the stock engine and trans? Or is the recent work to make way for a motor swap?
scrpnmazda   +1y
Im sorry I cant really help you on this one. I have never had a problem with my trans. But one thing is I never drove my truck during the winter. I pretty much just drove it in the summer only to shows and around town. But I have never had a prob with anything. I do have an auto trans. Everything has been great on my truck. I am going to be keeping my stock motor. It runs and drives great so Im not going to do a motor swap. Sorry I couldnt be of much help. And thanks for the comment on the Mazda.
scrpnmazda   +1y
Ok this is the last sneek peak you guys get until the firewall is done now. This picture was taken the other week. The firewall is coming along now. Will have pics when its complete.

toddluck   +1y
cool cool man
bodied b2600zx (josh)   +1y
Well then hurry up! ! !

scrpnmazda   +1y
So here is a little update. Here are a few pics from last week. I ended up cutting off the steering column bracket on the firewall. We are going to do something different with that now. This way I can have a complete smooth firewall. More pictures up soon of the finished firewall!

The new firewall cut out of the sheet. Just needs some trimming.

Post was last edited on Apr 14, 2009 04:04. This post has been edited 1 times.