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Project: MTM

Mazda Projects
views 9936
replies 87
following 26
speedster93b   +1y

sicky! lookin good dude
paparoach1983   +1y
nice little rig bro. keep up the good work
91b2200(cody)   +1y
This should look purdy dam good when done.. cant wait to see
meesh   +1y
another update, lots of pics i know, got the new motor mounts welded in today, gonna make the tranny mount monday and weld that in. then gonna start on the rear suspension.

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meesh   +1y
I bought the Super Duty Triangulated 4 Link Kit from FBI a long time ago, probably not the best decision but i'm gonna use it and run bag over axle. What's the best way to run my 4 link bars?
paparoach1983   +1y
dude just google 4 link how too and you get alot about the settup and geomattrey that goes with it. but on another note BAD AZZ truck bro
speedster93b   +1y
for the love of whatever you love, don't just weld in your tranny mount. make a drop out center section, so you don't have to pull your motor just to drop the tranny if the need ever arises. plus a drop out center section looks like you got way more skills...
meesh   +1y
great idea on the drop out center section, i will definitely do that on my tranny crossmember, now isn't there some sort of rubber spacer or something i gotta buy that goes under the tranny where it bolts to the crossmember so theres no vibration? and yeah i'm gonna weld gussets on my motor mounts just haven't got around to doing it.

All I am is a painter at a Body Shop so all this Motor/Driveline/4link/Suspension/Body Drop is all new to me so i'm gonna need a lot of help from you guys to get my truck finished. So prepare to answer stupid questions when i have em' haha.
meesh   +1y
oh and also I've been told been told by a lot of people that I don't need power steering to drive my truck and it will turn fine if i get a new gearing in my gear box or am I gonna need power steering to turn this?
sleepyspeed   +1y
if you get a non-power steering box you might be okay, but the weight of the V-8 and a power steering box with no power might be a little cumbersome. But you will have popeye arms after a while.