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Mazda Projects \  project :C-120

project :C-120

Mazda Projects
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immortal1 (linn)   +1y

Well for the most part we stayed away from the brewskis. But the good news is it's done except for the clearcoat. NOw on to the pics....

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And now after about 14 hours straight... it's time to say good nite. Say good nite gracie
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Good nite
mazdaman82   +1y
dude that is super sweet ....
droppedmydawg   +1y
DAMN!!!!! Linn you do some beautiful work and Sosa you have one Sweet ride. Well 2 I guess. Way to come together and show us how its done guys. -Ed
maztang (ryan)   +1y
Beautiful man! You guys did some awesome work! When's the feature?
sosatheshark   +1y
well i have some interior stuff to do and then im done with it ,whenever the first show is ,im there it will be at slam session for sure getting cleared today so im a little excited ,cause we are gonna throw some other stuff in the clear ill post up a little later bro
toddluck   +1y
wow looks awesome bro
jmzcustomz (jeff)   +1y
Umm Yea that is friggin awesome! Cant wait to see this thing cleared and on the ground.
immortal1 (linn)   +1y
Well I guess it's time to add a few pics of the clearcoat. Did not get the bed on or truck pushed outside but I think some of these give you a pretty good idea of how the pearl top coat turned out...

I'm sure Sosa will be adding more later once it gets put back together and pushed out in the sun.
dropped90(justin)   +1y
shes lookin very very nice. i think the clear coat really helped alot too.

toddluck   +1y
i have a boner