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Mazda Projects \  "JUANITA bagged,bodied,22s s14 sr20det"

"JUANITA bagged,bodied,22s s14 sr20det"

Mazda Projects
views 120689
replies 783
following 102
hunterw   +1y

hahah dude i seriously have them sitting in the back our my wifes car. i just keep forgetting to ship them
hunterw   +1y

thanks man. how long it take you to get through 40 pages? haha
xgolferdude   +1y
about a good
hunterw   +1y
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dropped90(justin)   +1y
Bout time i got to see the new shoes haha. lookin good man.

hunterw   +1y
got her on the ground

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v8mazda4ever   +1y
hahah dude i seriously have them sitting in the back our my wifes car. i just keep forgetting to ship them [/quote]

Danm bro just sitting there well just remember the other part as well LOL

Truck is looking good bro sits nice
hunterw   +1y
full lift. lol she looks like a donk haha
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got some work done on the truck. both notches are finally done and tomorrow ill put in the bag brackets. and hopefully start the new motor mounts.

also did some lil stuff today. like fillin all the holes in one the frame rails and also fillin the gap in on the part where mazda boxed it.

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im getting pretty good cutting with a torch
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the frame before being filled in.

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after. kinda hard to see sorry for the shitty pics

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baha   +1y
Looking good man, I just have a question what animal is that?? Is that a pet? lol
paparoach1983   +1y
dude thats a goat!!!!