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Mazda Projects \  Project: MA-MA 4x4

Project: MA-MA 4x4

Mazda Projects
views 4111
replies 12
following 5
lbcb2600   +1y
Well as ive been working on my truck, ive decided to make a project thread on it. Its a 1987 Mazda B2600 4x4. When i first bought the truck the guy told me that it had a knock in the motor and that he had parked it since '07. I took it to a friend of mine's uncle's house and went to work trying to find the knock. At first we believed it to be the timing chain but after putting in a new kit it still sang the same tune. Well after sitting around for a few months scratching my head i got a break. A friend of mine wrecked his dakota into some mailboxes. he and another friend were talking about what they were going to do with the 360 in the Dakota when i came up with the bright idea of putting the 360 in the other guys D50. therefore i got a perfectly good 2.6 out of the d50. so now im working on swapping the motor out......Anyways enough blabbering heres the pics.

The day i got it

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Got it home(I moved)

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Old motor sittin in truck

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Color of oil= Blown Headgasket

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New motor after a lil work

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Interior in graet condition!

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Cb fits nicely were ashtray was

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How it sits now
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shilaeli huggr (burdaddy)   +1y
hells yeah! another 4x4!!!

pssssst.... we're out numbered!!!!
paparoach1983   +1y
looking good bro
futrao   +1y
nice truck bro make me miss mine lol
lbcb2600   +1y
thanks for the comments guys...thought i was gonna get flamed because plans are to lift my mazda not bag it. No disrespect to the bagged guys but i would be disowned were i live at if i had a low
shilaeli huggr (burdaddy)   +1y
pretty much as long as its a truck here you're alright. only 2 of us got lowered trucks tho. cars aint as cool in my redneck group.

hey futrao... how'd you git 5" of lift?
futrao   +1y
3 inch body lift (i used a 2001 ford ranger body lift on my b2600i, i used most of the parts that came in the kit excect for the bolts, i had to buy bolts for my truck) , 2 inch block lift in the rear and crancked t-bars up front. my trick was a high milage truck so i could only get 2 inches outta the t-bars. there was a guys on mazdatruckin web site that has a low milage 4x4 and he was able to get 3 inch outta the t-bar but i asume if u re-index the t-bar invert to how we do it to lower the 2wd u can be able to get 3 inch up front and mach it with a 3 inch block in the back
lbcb2600   +1y

Yea bout the same here.
neptune   +1y
nice 4x4
lbcb2600   +1y
thanks man....Sorry for no updates its been raining for 3 days straight. Ive painted a few parts just out of boredom, buts its just small stuff. hopefully working on it this weekend when all this rain subsides.