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Mazda Projects \  ***SkrapinSask from stock to layin frame***

***SkrapinSask from stock to layin frame***

Mazda Projects
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skrapinsask   +1y
Current pictures of the truck from this summer!
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Before and after
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Alright guys Ive been on the forums for a few months and i thought i might as well put some pictures of what I'm working on. Purchased this 90 2wd b2200 truck off a friend of mine who had purchased it from his grandfather who owned the vehicle since new. My friend cleaned up all the rust with por15 and gave it a quick spray can paint job but he didn't repair dents. This will be the first vehicle i put on air. Right now all of my parts are in transit but i have my truck stored 2 blocks away at a 2 car heated garage that is my short term shop because my garage at home isn't heated and its been minus 40 C* this winter with the wind chill. I only have about another month and a half until the truck will be moved home so i cant start really cutting it up yet. Right now I'm just working some minor things. Wish i had a better camera for some nicer pictures but id rather spend the money on parts!

Please Comment and Thanks for looking!

The day i drove it home

300,000 km and running strong

interior after a quick cleaning

cracked valve cover that wasn't even really leaking

grabbed some parts from the wrecker-clean fenders to shave, valve cover, mirror, speaker grille,
also new brake shoes, springs/hardware, magnetic clamp for the welder, sheet metal

cleaning up the wrecker valve cover with a quick spray can paint job

por15 a must have for all projects

polished with plasticx and repaint trim

swapped the fuel filter out and cut open the old one and it looks like its been on there since new

junkyard tail gate to replace the really beat up one it came with
made it swing, shaved and relocated handle but scrapped it and ordered a grant custom skin

shaved the badge and antenna holes

one of the few times i drove it before parking it to work on it for the winter

picked out all the seam filler on the bed and started welding the seam together

cleaned up the bay a little

chopped out the inner fenders and test fit some trailer fenders
this is when i realized i would have to cut and bent some new brake lines
because i still want the fenders up higher
I will also relocate the harness to the outside

where i do my work in the summer

a more recent shot of the fenders cleaned up more before it was parked for the winter

a real cool boat gas cap i got from a friend who didn't use it on a project
i plan on mounting it flush to the inside of the raised bed floor and connect
it to a fuel cell.

over at the 2 car heated garage I'm currently using to work on it
installing a billet grille on my friends Colorado that night

wobble light! even has cooling fans inside of it and you cant nock it over
this thing lights up a 2 car garage like crazy but id like to mount it inverted
hanging from the roof but the fan blows upward and the cooling ducts are at the top

vital tools

my Weber showed today so i pulled my factory carburetor and started cleaning up the passenger side bay

all that egr junk!

Weber on with harness/vac lines and egr junk gone

Grant Kustoms parts showed up today
these wont be installed til my box floor is raised

Viair 444c compressors showed up
Post was last edited on Dec 18, 2012 04:12. This post has been edited 67 times.
crazymikey   +1y
Not bad at all. Looks like you've got a pretty solid truck to start with.

Where in Saska-CHEW-On are you?
skrapinsask   +1y
Thanks! I'm just getting started on the easy parts right now
I'm in the Best Place Saskatoon!
more pictures up
sleepyspeed   +1y
super clean is the shizz!!! that magnetic ground clamp is cool I need to pick up on of those. Looks like your off to a good start, good luck on it!
skrapinsask   +1y

Super cleans rad! Definitely buying the big 4L next time
next week i will have LOTS of parts arriving but wont
get to install most of them til summer
crazymikey   +1y
Saskatoon ehhh.

If the truck is ready by July next summer you need to cruise out here to Lethbridge for Street Wheelers weekend.
skrapinsask   +1y

ahahaha Saskatoon, the place where the only thing to do is build cars
and try to stay out of trouble while driving them

I would be really down to get this thing to a show
This one will really take me a little longer
than you guys cause I'm still new to air.
Keep me updated on Shows in Canada so i can make
some appearances once its completed.

I'll keep the picture posts to a max cause I Myself am a picture whore too
90-b22dawg [andrew]   +1y
is it just me or does it take longer for imageshack photos to load???? ill try and look at it later.... taken forever to load pics lol
skrapinsask   +1y
They were loading up pretty quick for me, hope they work for you
at dusk   +1y
looks good bro.... SPOKEs-N-SPORT.. your shop came to caslte mountian resort one year.. i think 2 years ago now... nice to see your building a mazda..
