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Mazda Projects \  PROJECT GAS-NGO


Mazda Projects
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getto   +1y
so then i started getting fuel shit set up..
found some lines got some fittings..soits all straight..
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out with the old....
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the start of in with the new....
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getto   +1y
new fuel lines all stretched
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im now ready to put the bed back on and cut some holes out for the cell and stuff,,and i should br ready to roll. at least till the doored trucks done, then ill re link it but it will do for the season for sure. cant see the difference in ride, from nothing to billstiens..i think ill be stoked.
getto   +1y
ON A DIFFERENT NOTE... as i am new to these trucks does any one the purpose of these 2 lines
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i thought maybe the one i have the blue ziptie was for a breather and a rollover valve or something???
and is the green ziptied line a return??
any help would be fantastic for the swap over to the cell..
getto   +1y
and on the sending unit the yellow zip tied that the primary feed?? and the other??
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again thanks in a dvance for any help.
getto   +1y
oh ya i threw a muffler on it to quiet this pig down, long tube header to a cherry bomb to straight pipe out the side...a little to loud to daily and not have every cop in the county staring at a bright red mini with red wheels....i dont need to give him a heads up from 3/4 a mile i left the cherry bomb but threw this thrush turbo muffler was some cheapo i got from summit a while i cut it all up 1 shot then welded the muffler on the pipe and ready!!
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was a productive weekend for me at the luckey to have a cool ass wife who planned accrdingly so i could mash hard on the truck..and such good friends as to working on my truck for me while i was at real work payin bills,,good karma definitly comes around ...tell me what ya thing boys an' gals...
paparoach1983   +1y
dang man not looking to bad.
getto   +1y
thanks homie, tryin to get the bed on but dont think its happening ...wifes not home yet so me and lil man are rollin solo, so tommorow nite, cause wed i gotta go to coaches meeting for little leauge, 7 til?? so that renders it a not work on truck nite. so i uess by the weekend i should have it on the road again.
getto   +1y
got bed back on today 1 door panel all re dyed, and cell is plumbed all the little shit nedds to be buttoned up as well, goit the vent lines all teed and re vented and the tank is vented and filler tube mounted. next tommorow nite i am cutting the bed floor for the cell and bulding a little cage for the fuel cell and in it all goes, shim the bed, and bolt her up, an chuck brake lights in and re wire them soldered and shrink wrapped,and i put all led bulbs in every corner so all the lighting is straight, and got a new pass. side bucket that works so park lights are golden. gettin her ready for the new bed as soon as i get some cheddar.
rollin the 2wd till it comes F it. pics in a little while, gonna clean up and d-load a few shots.
bagged89mazda   +1y
11 pages son ! damn - lol now visit your local girl scouts and buy some cookies cause your gona get alot of milk with that truck hahaha..
getto   +1y
word...ha ha ha hey i gots limited time to get work done was suppposed to go down tonite but prolly not happening, all i really gotta do i s bolt bed down AND SHIM IT, sorry, caps lock haha , and re wire the tails, and cut this cell into place in the bed, and im ready to roll, i just got to get there,