Samantha - also don't overlook that one of the flexible lines between clutch master and clutch slave could be leaking. My 1988 B2200 has two such flexible lines, and I replaced one due to a leak at the crimp about two years ago.
Great question about clutch hydraulic parts. My experience, in 19 years on my 1988 B2200: I've had both of these go out several times, but had free warranty replacements (CarQuest). For whatever reason, mostly because I bought originally from a place that got taken over by CarQuest, I was told that the last replacements would be my last free replacements. Those were from several suppliers over the years, too, including Wagner, can't say if any suppliers stuff was better than others, and could be same part in different boxes too. All were new and not rebuilt (I wouldn't waste my time rebuilding your own cylinders either, even if you can find kits).
I've been like four years on current clutch master and clutch slave, and I typically replaced both at same time since I had that lifetime warranty. So what would I do if mine went out today? I'd likely try the AutoZone Duralast, I've used other Duralast stuff from them and been OK, and lifetime warranty and local for me too. I might try NAPA if their stuff was lifetime warrantied as well.
About the only alternative I'd try personally might be factory stuff, but my guess is expensive and no lifetime warranty, "theoretically" those should be high quality. should be able to supply those (have VIN number) or special order through local Mazda dealer.