Patrick Reids Pimp ass Ranger takes the cake....Cool guy too...has to be the king of Pre98 Rangers...only guy I know that can make M/T 3 times with the same truck and still make it look like a different one..
anyway.... yea Patrick's ranger is awsome i liked the last version best of all, i think the hood scoop popping out takes away from it but still a very nice truck
Call me crazy, but I don't care for that Ranger at all....I might even call it ass. Sure there is a lot of work in it, and I respect that, but the end result is not to my liking at all.
well I do agree that Patricks Ranger looked best all red as it was Shot for the Cover of M/T...but what makes it such a bad ass truck is the amount of Talent and workmanship that was put forth in that truck..And I promise you this...the Pic does that truck no justice at looks 100 times better in person....I will get you gusy some pics of the whole truck, inside and out next weekend when he is down for Hot August Nights crusie that we have here...
yeah i am going to go with tiger on this on also i mean his work is so freakin sweet and i give him props for it but i think there is just to much going on on that truck i guess i just like the more simple truck better