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General Discussion \  ranger scene at slamfest

ranger scene at slamfest

General Discussion
views 6064
replies 26
following 9
the twanksta   +1y
WHAT?!? You know you cant miss my truck! haha! We will make some racket over there so you guys can find us.
tiffany   +1y
will you all wear pink shirts ( I am color blind to all other colors) and jump up and down with beers in your hands?
bodydropped85   +1y
yes on the beer and jumping no on the pink ts. sorry me not flamin.
daweezi   +1y
I bang in my pink t, i slang in my pink t, people think i go both ways in my pink t
wht01ranger   +1y
^^ no one's said anything to me yet

not even in my daily

but yes, it'd be cool to put some faces in person with these names

^^ theres my face haha
bodydropped85   +1y
cruznlife1   +1y
I'm there guys ! Save me a space
daweezi   +1y
hopefully your bringin the 98 turbo because im dying to see it in person
cruznlife1   +1y
It'll be there. Buy me lunch you can drive it =)
the twanksta   +1y
Where you wanna eat?? hahaha!