did u put the ground wire back on from the back of the head to the firewall? I forgot to once. anyway, there are a couple ways u can test it if u don't have a volt meter or whatever. u can either have a friend pull his car next to your passenger side, hook your pos. cable to the starter wire and neg. cable to the chasis. pull one of your plugs, have your friend hook up his pos. wire, turn your key to run position, have him ground his neg. cable, (as soon as he touches that cable to metal or grounds it the motor will start turning.) if your getting spark in the run position, your switch is probly ok, (this tests it without turning the key to start position, just keeps it in run position) now if u do this, keep in mind, some do frown on this method FOR A REASON but if your careful and do it right, you should be ok. I guess u could just jump a wire from the pos. side of battery to your coil and see if it starts that way, either way, ive done this once, it was scary, be careful if u do try.