southcenter mall will definitely be a stop. so far:
Everett Mall 11am Leave about 11:30
People: Leland (me), Ricksb2200, Suicide?, Rufus(are you even going?)?,
Northgate Mall 12-12:15 20-30min stop
Southcenter 15:-1:40 Leave by 2pm
People: Mini Mayhem
Tacoma Mall Est. 2:45-3pm Leave by 3:20
People: PapaRoach1983?,
Centralia Pitstop Est. 5pm 10-15min
Kelso/Longview Est. 6pm 20mins
People: Bigamigo, Damien (Bigamigo's friend), Tuckin20s, Toddluck
Portland(off 205 an 84) Est. 7:10pm 20 mins
People: 88b2200(cody),
MazdaFest! Est. 7.45pm
So Far this is what i have for stops and estimated schedule... Let me know if what stop i have you joining in at is right, and if i dont have you listed under a stop tell me where to put you...