Not on the road juuuuust yet. Apparently I have a leak in my pass. front tire. So Im pulling it off today to get it fixed. I am going to flush my coolant on Sunday. I installed my new AVS switchbox yesterday though... and Im soooo much happier with it. If anyone wants my 10 switch box, its red but transparent. Its yours free if you pay the shipping. It has some over spray but all the switches work. I still need to get my back window back from my buddy who was tinting it. Finish welding up the bed and get my new hood, and weld in my wheel tubs... Kinda bummed the shock bolt on the LCA rubs my wheels when turning "too sharp" So now my freshly powder coated rims are fucked on the inside lip Ill try to get an audio clip of the exhaust. It sounds great. Pretty shortly Itll be off the paint, Im thinking right around Fall, as long as nothing else gets in my way.