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Mazda Engine General \  About To give up on the 2200..... Wont Fire.... need HELP

About To give up on the 2200..... Wont Fire.... need HELP

Mazda Engine General Mazda Engine Mazda Tech
views 1242
replies 20
following 8
Cusser   +1y

Gavin - except for the work you had done just previous to this, it sounds exactly what happened to my B2200 over a decade ago. It died suddenly as I was driving, I pulled over, did NOTHING, then a minute later it was perfect. A few days later it happened again. Then a few days later it would crank and crank and not start. It turned out to be the electricalportion of my ignition switch, a weak spot in these trucks as they age. I was getting electricity to the starter (as you are) but I wasn't getting electricity to the coil, etc., to run the engine. So don't overlook that. Repair of that wasn't too bad, just took off steering column covers, was tight to plug in the harnesses under the dash though.
gavin_mosher   +1y
so what exactly am i doing on the ignition switch?
roger26i   +1y
put a long bolt in onr of your plug wires stick it to the engine and see if it arcs if not run a wire from you + post on yoour batt to the + terminal on your coil if it works you have a bad ignition just run a toggle between it and you sould be fixed it worked for burdaddy and on three of my dawgs
gavin_mosher   +1y
guys it has spark is there any way it could be timing?
gavin_mosher   +1y
its done... Running GREAT again.... i pulled the distribuitor up and turned the rotor and put her back in and it fired up and i set the timing from there and its set at about 9 degrees because at 6 it ran kinda choppy but im wondering why it jumped in the first place... it has a great belt and good pulleys idk... maybe the gears at the bottom of the distributor... but thanks for the suggestions guys i really appreciate the help!
toddluck   +1y
i think the dizzy was prolly put in wrong cause if it jumped you prolly couldnt get it to run by changing rotor position
gavin_mosher   +1y
wat is a dizzy?
hex0rz   +1y
dizzy= slang term for distributor.

I was going to say check your dist. or ECU, but you got it fixed. I did'nt see how it could have been your timing cause it ran and then stopped and ran then stopped. Bad timing would be a constant. But it almost seemed like timing cause of backfire. Well, which it was pretty much timing.

You should figure out why you need to advance your timing though. It should be 6BTDC. Atleast thats what Mazda says...
gavin_mosher   +1y
it ran okay on 6degrees... but it ran a little better right around 8
maztang (ryan)   +1y
glad to hear you got it running man.