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Mazda Engine General \  distributor pwoer wire

distributor pwoer wire

Mazda Engine General Mazda Engine Mazda Tech
views 851
replies 17
following 4
elbine69   +1y
Ill check tommorow when I get outta class. If I still have it, its yours just pay shipping.
nytrdr24   +1y
The black box next to the stock battery location (front passenger engine compartment) is the main fuse block, power is fed from there to the relay on the driverside kickpanel just slightly under the dash, and also the fuse block just under the steering wheel in the dash. from the relay there is a black & white striped wire that goes to the + side of the coil. If the dizzy isn't getting power, then the coil isn't powered, so it is either the relay that is bad, or the main fuse shot when you shorted the wires together.
bodied b2600zx (josh)   +1y
Welll... the wiring diagram says the power goes through the main relay to the distributor, the it sends a signal to the control module, and that tells the coil to spark....

the control module and coil are both gettin power

And thanks elbine!!! I really appreciate that!
bodied b2600zx (josh)   +1y
oh ya, and it sounds like you may have either popped a fuse or maybe the relay... The main relay is the metal one near the battery that has the 3 wire plug comin off it... i think its 3 wires

Its an expensive guess though, check all the wires and fuses to make sure everything is right first. Don't do like me and jus start buyin stuff.... i'm 300 in the hole right now, woulda been 500 but i work at autozone, so i returned unnecessary parts haha
elbine69   +1y
didnt get a chance to look for that relay today cuz i just got home. Will check for sure tomorow though and let you know.
bodied b2600zx (josh)   +1y
ok man, its cool. Whenever you get a chance
elbine69   +1y
No luck on finding it. I had a box with all the electrical parts off my truck but its among the missing right now. Ive got a few more places to look so ill let you know if I come up with it.
bodied b2600zx (josh)   +1y
its cool man! I'll keep lookin at the j-yards around here