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Mazda Engine General \  I dont know whats wrong

I dont know whats wrong

Mazda Engine General Mazda Engine Mazda Tech
views 1060
replies 15
following 7
slant   +1y
So just the other day my truck started running a little funny. I was wondering if anyone has any ideas. Its acting like it needs a fuel filter but it has a brand new one on it. It runs ok until i go full throttle it will just quit accelerating. It doesnt do it all the time, but it does it when its cold or if its warm. it has new air filter, plugs, wires, coil, cap, and rotor. its a 89 2200 any help would be appreciated
all22s   +1y
does it still have the emissions on it? oxygen sensor... check those out, check your fuel pump... does it only happen under certain instances (after driving for a certain amount of time) or is it intermittant and sporadic?
maybe there is debris in your carb, fuel lines, or there might be varnish built up in the tank
i would try pouring a can or two of "seafoam" (its in a red/white can at any local parts house... its about 6-8.00 a bottle)in the gas tank after you fill it up the next time. if its still spitting and sputtering then start at the carb and work your way back to the tank. also try spraying carb cleaner into the carb while its running (be sure to have someone revving the engine up to keep it from stalling out) that should clear it up.
other than that... are there any other things associated with it that you havent previously mentioned, so that i can get a better picture of that might be the problem?

slant   +1y
its kinda sporadic. i drive a little crazy so I'm always in the gas and go outta my way to play in the turns. i noticed it first after being pinned up an on ramp in 3rd doing almost 60 it just stopped i shifted and gave it gas and it was worse. i gave it a few seconds and accelerated slowly and its fine as long as its not full throttle. that's how it works every time. it still has the o2 but no egr I have done the carb cleaner before maybe its time to do it again and i will try the seafoam.
toddluck   +1y
make sure your vacuum advance is working properly
slant   +1y
i forgot to mention my gas mileage is now HORRIBLE
how do i see if the vacuum advance works ? spray brake clean on the vacuum hose and see if it idles higher ?
toddluck   +1y
vacuma advance is the little silver/gold can on the side of the distributor with the vaccume line that goes it it...pull off the distributor cap....remove the vacume line in the advance...take a piece of vacume hose and attatch it to the vac advance ans suck on it..see if anything in the distributor should if not advance isnt working right
low down89   +1y
i'll have to remember that rick todd
slant   +1y
thank you todd. I havent tried your trick its pretty cold outside. A freind of mine said it sounds like the carb not vacuum advance. (hes a mechanic) so maybe ill be looking into a weber unless its worth rebuilding the stock carb. when i said my gas mileage is horrible i mean its in the 15 mpg range and i deliver pizza so i really need to fix this soon as its my only vehicle.
toddluck   +1y
go with a weber stock carbs are junk
slant   +1y
i ordered my weber on ebay today hopefully it will be here soon.