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Mazda Engine General \  engine dying $^&$^$^&*!!!!

engine dying $^&$^$^&*!!!!

Mazda Engine General Mazda Engine Mazda Tech
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korrupt1   +1y
Think the title about says my feelings right a real unhappy mood. Not so much at my truck but life in general...job hunting BLOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyways....on my way to a site today, pull in to get some gas, and the truck is just idling HORRIBLY...very rich smelling so I know I am just dumping fuel.....idling about 500 rpm and sounds off, put the hand by tailpipe and you can smell how rich its running, slight popping(?)(lack of better way to describe it...not really a miss, just sounds like a....surge??? Hell I dont know how to describe it) I head out cuz it fires right back up, but I have to stay on the gas to keep it running or it dies and I damn near run thru intersections cuz lose my power brakes. I checked all my coil and plugs wiring, those are still in there....I havent checked my voltage to battery or anything yet cuz I walked off the site I was working at and it broke down again on way home so I limped home and it died twice more in my parking lot....and here I am.

Sigh....never fails...have money, no money, always broken! LOL!!!!!

Thanks in advance fellas
toddzda   +1y
Dang sorry to hear that man. IS ur engine all stock? the popping could be coming from the egr not opening. Mine did that when i had stock carb. got rid of it n got a weber.
korrupt1   +1y
yea I all stock but injected....b2600i model. I know its something simple and stupid and prolly clogged.....pulled my EGR and it looked ok...but what the hell do I know? LOL! I think I should shoot some Seafoam thru it and see if that cleans anything out. Also noticed it took everything almost from my overflow tank...hope I am not losing a HG....I suppose its easy enough fix...just no place really to fix any more. I had a garage but...well lets just say I had a place and where I be now...not so much. Wish I could find another engine and drag it home and work on it here then swap it.....but the fiance would KILL me if I roll a motor in her living room. LMAO!
toddzda   +1y
maybe u not getting enough fuel? maybe the fuel reg is messing up? I dunno i am 2.2 with carb. I havent dealt with fuel inj ones yet. maybe some guys on here will give u heads up.
korrupt1   +1y
ya...hope so. I know the guy I bought this from lied his ass off about being rebuilt.....cuz it sure aint I dont thinks....oh well...Pearl says 80 clams for a rebuild kit.....and I know me...I will go over the top and do everything....time and space are my 2 factors right now. Glad these things are cheap as hell to work on! LOL
toddzda   +1y
Oh sorry to hear about the old owner lyin to ya. The guy did the same with me but about different stuff on the truck. I am sure it something simple. IS ur check engine light on?

Wished i was closer, Def would come n help ya out.
korrupt1   +1y check engine...just stalls slowly and dies, starts right back but idles horribly....then slowly pukes off and dies. I know its gotta be something stupid that just clogged up. Ima go check my plugs and make sure no water on em or anything....crank the motor over and make sure I not spitting anything out...if thats the case...HG time...bummer. Part of life but JEEEEZ!!! Give a guy a freaking break will ya? This is why I named my truck Demondawg. ROFL!!!

Appreciate the offer for help too.....
toddzda   +1y
Hmm sound like fuel to me. As if the pump is not pushing enough thru. Should do a pressure test. When the last time u change out the fuel filter? could be cloggin up.
Does it feel like it losing power when it about to stall?
korrupt1   +1y
like its choking and the morning its real bad....falls on its face when letting clutch out. kinda stumbles along till about 2700 rpms and then comes alive...I shift at 3 grand...odd lil truck I own. LOL

How would I test my pressure? What should it be at? I guess I could go get a filter cuz god knows when that was done if ever....found out I still got OE shocks on the thing! Dont think they ever been replaced!
korrupt1   +1y
Get this runs fine again. Pulled all plugs...fuel an sooty....undid battery, went and smoked, fill overflow tank...pput in some more brake fluid...put plags back in one by one and redid wires...started right up perfect and fine....running like a champ...idle perfect and all power back. ????

Demon strikes again! LMAO