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Mazda Engine General \  i need help truck wont start

i need help truck wont start

Mazda Engine General Mazda Engine Mazda Tech
views 962
replies 14
following 5
banzaistu   +1y
well heres the story just got a 91 ext cab b2200 a few days ago 160000 miles and it wont crank. the guy i got it from ive known him for awhile and he used to drive the truck all the time but it started sputtering one day and died and has been parked since.. when i got the truck he said it needed a coil so i got a coil and im getting no fire its like there is no power coming to the coil ive looked at the timing belt its all good he just put a set of wires on it and a dist cap so i went a got a rotor button cause it looked pretty bad non the less it didnt help any.. the truck also has a bad carb its shooting gas into the oil has been for awhile and has been fouling plugs im just trying to get it to crank before i go thru the trouble of putting a carb on it.. idk if the vacume lines are right either because the guy cut the lines going from the exhaust manifold into the breaker and capped them off there is no breather on it either so there is on vacume line not hooked up to anything.. i really dont know what to check next ive searched on here and cant find anything that might be the problem anything is appreciated
68sweet-n-low   +1y
well lets go back to the basics do you think its an eletrical problem witch thats what im thinking bc your saying your not getting fire well just check to see if your getting voltage to the coil or make sure fuses aint blown, or chewed wires from animals just simple stuff like that or make sure ur dist. is actually firing like the bushings in it are wore out on the shaft

my 2 cents mabe this will help you some
banzaistu   +1y
thanks, def need to look over the wiring.. the dist is turning but how can i check to see if its not ruined? also on the coil what wires go for the positive and what to the negative when i got it the 2 wires with the metal piece is on the negative and the 3 with the eyes are on the positive is that right? ive reversed them too and didnt seem to change but i really dont know a whole lot about how mazdas work ive owned 3 but this is the first ive had a problem like this with... i was messing with it a few minutes ago and one of the blue wires from the coil the end was cut off does that need to plug into anything? there is also 2 other wires look like that come through the rad support but they dont go anywhere they are just hanging under the coil and have white connectors that kinda look like a but connector with some metal on the end
bigz   +1y
i have had some what of the same problem before if you are not getting any spark at all check the distruburtor pickup up thats what my problem was i fought with it for hours then finnally figured it out bigz
shilaeli huggr (burdaddy)   +1y
i had a similar problem when i was doin my 89. turns out i had the wiring screwed around on the coil. took me a few to figure it out but i couldn't tell ya how its run now.
dropped90(justin)   +1y
thats most likely the problem. the wires going to the coil. i experimented and tried to remove some of those wires to clean it up and it wouldnt fire. so i bit the bullet and put them all back on and forgot about it.

68sweet-n-low   +1y
yea just make sure you got your wires to the coil right well i looked in my haynes manual the two blue/white wires go to the postive and the yellow,blue goes to the negative on the coil

maybe this will help you
banzaistu   +1y
well i checked it out and i got 2 blue and 2 yellow wires on one side and 3 on the other side one goes to the dist and 1 to the firewall and idk where the other goes
68sweet-n-low   +1y
sry man i told you so wrong about that wasnt paying attention but

it should have 5 wires

yl yellow/blue
l blue
these go to negative side of the coil

bw black/white
b black
bw black/white

goes to the positive side of the coil

this is what my manual says in the diagrams im sry for my dumbassness earlyer
banzaistu   +1y
got it alll hooked up right the question i have is that do all 2 black wires have power coming thru them and when the key is on and the big black wire coming from the rad support has power on it and when its hooked up i have power on both positive and negative sides of the coil is that normal? now this is just with the key on not turning over