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Mazda Engine General \  PLEASE HELP!!!


Mazda Engine General Mazda Engine Mazda Tech
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lilredmazdawg   +1y
ok so i got a 90 mazda b2200 carburated and when im drivin down the road in 3 4 and 5 gear it will start sputterin real bad and just shut off. i put a new fuel filter,fuel sending unit,new gas tank,and a new fuel pump and a rebuild on the carb but i didnt replace the floats. im lost for ideas i can barely drive the truck and its my only vehicle so any help is graetly appreciated thanks guys..
jester   +1y
If the ambient air temperature where you are at is right around freezing or just above, check to see if your carb is icing up. Make sure the tube from the exhaust manifold to the air cleaner is hooked up and toss some gas line antifreeze in your tank. If it's not that cold than I can just give you the generic "get a Weber" advice.
lilredmazdawg   +1y
what do you mean by "carb icing up" and i just looked and i dont have the tube from the manifold to air cleaner i will get one tommo and see what that does and i put a bottle of sea foam in it last week also... thank you alot.
dvsdev   +1y
When it stops have you had a good look at the fuel level in the carb through the sight glass?
If it's empty then you could have a stuck float valve (or sticky at least) if that's all good then I'd say you have another problem other than fuel.
Since it's in the upper gears I'd say you're using too much fuel myself which is why I suggested the fuel float needle first.

After that check simple stuff like the vacuum advance on the dizzy, air leaks around the carby itself, if it's an auto check the plug on the tranny is securely plugged in and the pcv valve is working properly on the cam cover, I would say timing too but since you say it's only in the top gears I would say that it is either the dizzy itself or the vacuum advance that you need to check.
After that just check your electrical connections are good, air filter and leaks.
jester   +1y

The carb literally gets ice around the jets that chokes off the fuel supply, usually happens when in traveling at higher speeds. the truck just starts chugging and eventually dies
lilredmazdawg   +1y

i have check the fuel level in the sight glass and its was good.what and where is the vacuum advance and the dizzy located.also how do i test to see if my pcv is opperating new with workin on carburators sorry for all the questions i really appreciate yours and everyones help.
lilredmazdawg   +1y

the air temp around here has been around 40 and 60 i live in tennessee so i dont think its icin up.thanks for helpin me out im gonna check everything today or this weekend cause of high school and work i will defintly let yall know what it was.
mazdaman82   +1y
where you live man im in tn also, i live in clarksville
lilredmazdawg   +1y

i live in clarksville to i stay on st b side. where at do u live?
mazdaman82   +1y
riverside,lawn st across from the big sand pile